Source code for megengine.jit.sublinear_memory_config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ..device import get_device_count

[docs]class SublinearMemoryConfig: r"""Configuration for sublinear memory optimization. Args: thresh_nr_try: number of samples both for searching in linear space and around current thresh in sublinear memory optimization. Default: 10. It can also be set through the environmental variable 'MGB_SUBLINEAR_MEMORY_THRESH_NR_TRY'. genetic_nr_iter: number of iterations to find the best checkpoints in genetic algorithm. Default: 0. It can also be set through the environmental variable 'MGB_SUBLINEAR_MEMORY_GENETIC_NR_ITER'. genetic_pool_size: number of samples for the crossover random selection during genetic optimization. Default: 20. It can also be set through the environmental variable 'MGB_SUBLINEAR_MEMORY_GENETIC_POOL_SIZE'. lb_memory_mb: memory lower bound of bottleneck size in MB for sublinear memory optimization. It can be used to perform manual tradeoff between memory and speed. Default: 0. It can also be set through the environmental variable 'MGB_SUBLINEAR_MEMORY_LOWER_BOUND_MB'. num_worker: number of thread workers to search the optimum checkpoints in sublinear memory optimization. Default: half of cpu number in the system. Note: the value must be greater or equal to one. It can also be set through the environmental variable 'MGB_SUBLINEAR_MEMORY_WORKERS'. Note that the environmental variable MGB_COMP_GRAPH_OPT must be set to 'enable_sublinear_memory_opt=1' in order for the above environmental variable to be effective. """ def __init__( self, thresh_nr_try: int = 10, genetic_nr_iter: int = 0, genetic_pool_size: int = 20, lb_memory_mb: int = 0, num_worker: int = max(1, get_device_count("cpu") // 2), ): assert thresh_nr_try >= 0, "thresh_nr_try must be greater or equal to zero" self.thresh_nr_try = thresh_nr_try assert genetic_nr_iter >= 0, "genetic_nr_iter must be greater or equal to zero" self.genetic_nr_iter = genetic_nr_iter assert ( genetic_pool_size >= 0 ), "genetic_pool_size must be greater or equal to zero" self.genetic_pool_size = genetic_pool_size self.lb_memory_mb = lb_memory_mb assert num_worker > 0, "num_worker must be greater or equal to one" self.num_worker = num_worker