Source code for megengine.module.module

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from ..core.tensor.utils import make_shape_tuple
from ..logger import get_logger
from ..tensor import Parameter, Tensor
from ..utils.deprecation import deprecated
from ..utils.hook import HookHandler
from ..utils.naming import AutoNaming

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def _expand_structure(prefix, obj):
    if isinstance(obj, (Tensor, Module)):
        return [(prefix, obj)]
    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, dict)):
        ret = []
        if isinstance(obj, dict):
            targets = ((k, obj[k]) for k in sorted(obj))
            targets = ((str(k), v) for k, v in enumerate(obj))
        for k, o in targets:
            sub_ret = _expand_structure(k, o)
            if sub_ret and not isinstance(k, str):
                raise AssertionError(
                    "keys for Tensor and Module must be str, error key: {}".format(k)
            for kt, vt in sub_ret:
                ret.extend([(prefix + "." + kt, vt)])
        return ret
        return []

def _access_structure(obj, key, callback=None):
    key_list = key.split(".")
    cur = obj
    parent = None
    for k in key_list:
        parent = cur
        if isinstance(cur, (list, tuple)):
            k = int(k)
            cur = cur[k]
        elif isinstance(cur, dict):
            cur = cur[k]
            cur = getattr(cur, k)
    return callback(parent, k, cur)

def _is_parameter(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, Parameter)

def _is_tensor(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, Tensor)

def _is_buffer(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, Tensor) and not isinstance(obj, Parameter)

def _is_module(obj):
    return isinstance(obj, Module)

def _get_XNorm_typeclass():
    from .batchnorm import _BatchNorm
    from .normalization import GroupNorm, InstanceNorm, LayerNorm

    XNorm_types = (_BatchNorm, GroupNorm, LayerNorm, InstanceNorm)
    return XNorm_types

[docs]class Module(metaclass=ABCMeta): r"""Base Module class. Args: name: module's name, can be initialized by the ``kwargs`` parameter of child class. """ def __init__(self, name=None): self._modules = [] if name is not None: assert ( isinstance(name, str) and name.strip() ), "Module's name must be a non-empty string" = name # runtime attributes = True self.quantize_disabled = False # hooks self._forward_pre_hooks = OrderedDict() self._forward_hooks = OrderedDict() # used for profiler and automatic naming self._name = None self._short_name = None @abstractmethod def forward(self, inputs): pass
[docs] def register_forward_pre_hook(self, hook: Callable) -> HookHandler: """Registers a hook to handle forward inputs. `hook` should be a function. Args: hook: a function that receive `module` and `inputs`, then return a modified `inputs` or `None`. Returns: a handler with :meth:`~.HookHandler.remove` interface to delete the hook. """ return HookHandler(self._forward_pre_hooks, hook)
[docs] def register_forward_hook(self, hook: Callable) -> HookHandler: """Registers a hook to handle forward results. `hook` should be a function that receive `module`, `inputs` and `outputs`, then return a modified `outputs` or `None`. This method return a handler with :meth:`~.HookHandler.remove` interface to delete the hook. """ return HookHandler(self._forward_hooks, hook)
def __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs): AutoNaming.push_scope( if is not None else self._short_name) for hook in self._forward_pre_hooks.values(): modified_inputs = hook(self, inputs) if modified_inputs is not None: if not isinstance(modified_inputs, tuple): modified_inputs = (modified_inputs,) inputs = modified_inputs outputs = self.forward(*inputs, **kwargs) for hook in self._forward_hooks.values(): modified_outputs = hook(self, inputs, outputs) if modified_outputs is not None: outputs = modified_outputs AutoNaming.pop_scope() return outputs def _flatten( self, *, recursive: bool = True, with_key: bool = False, with_parent: bool = False, prefix: Optional[str] = None, predicate: Callable[[Any], bool] = lambda _: True, seen: Optional[Set[int]] = None ) -> Union[Iterable[Any], Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]]: """Scans the module object and returns an iterable for the :class:`~.Tensor` and :class:`~.Module` attributes that agree with the ``predicate``. For multiple calls of this function with same arguments, the order of objects within the returned iterable is guaranteed to be identical, as long as all the involved module objects' ``__dict__`` does not change thoughout those calls. Args: recursive: whether to recursively scan all the submodules. with_key: whether to yield keys along with yielded objects. with_parent: whether to yield ``self`` along with yielded objects. prefix: prefix appended to the yielded keys. predicate: the predication function applied to scanned objects. seen: a dict that records whether a module has been traversed yet. """ if seen is None: seen = set([id(self)]) module_dict = vars(self) _prefix = "" if prefix is None else prefix + "." for key in sorted(module_dict): for expanded_key, leaf in _expand_structure(key, module_dict[key]): leaf_id = id(leaf) if leaf_id in seen: continue seen.add(leaf_id) if predicate(leaf): if with_key and with_parent: yield _prefix + expanded_key, leaf, self elif with_key: yield _prefix + expanded_key, leaf elif with_parent: yield leaf, self else: yield leaf if recursive and isinstance(leaf, Module): yield from leaf._flatten( recursive=recursive, with_key=with_key, with_parent=with_parent, prefix=_prefix + expanded_key if with_key else None, predicate=predicate, seen=seen, )
[docs] def parameters(self, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Iterable[Parameter]: r"""Returns an iterable for the :class:`~.Parameter` of the module. Args: recursive: If ``True``, returns all :class:`~.Parameter` within this module, else only returns :class:`~.Parameter` that are direct attributes of this module. """ if "requires_grad" in kwargs: del kwargs["requires_grad"] logger.warning( "Tensor currently has no requires_grad attribute " "so requires_grad argument is ignored here" ) def predicate(obj) -> bool: return _is_parameter(obj) yield from self._flatten( with_key=False, predicate=predicate, recursive=recursive, **kwargs )
[docs] def named_parameters( self, prefix: Optional[str] = None, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Parameter]]: r"""Returns an iterable for key :class:`~.Parameter` pairs of the module, where ``key`` is the dotted path from this module to the :class:`~.Parameter`. Args: prefix: prefix prepended to the keys. recursive: if ``True``, returns all :class:`~.Parameter` within this module, else only returns :class:`~.Parameter` that are direct attributes of this module. """ if "requires_grad" in kwargs: del kwargs["requires_grad"] logger.warning( "Tensor currently has no requires_grad attribute " "so requires_grad argument is ignored here" ) def predicate(obj) -> bool: return _is_parameter(obj) yield from self._flatten( with_key=True, prefix=prefix, predicate=predicate, recursive=recursive, **kwargs, )
[docs] def buffers(self, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Iterable[Tensor]: r"""Returns an iterable for the buffers of the module. Buffer is defined to be :class:`~.Tensor` excluding :class:`~.Parameter`. Args: recursive: if ``True``, returns all buffers within this module, else only returns buffers that are direct attributes """ yield from self._flatten( with_key=False, predicate=_is_buffer, recursive=recursive, **kwargs )
[docs] def named_buffers( self, prefix: Optional[str] = None, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Tensor]]: r"""Returns an iterable for key buffer pairs of the module, where ``key`` is the dotted path from this module to the buffer. Buffer is defined to be :class:`~.Tensor` excluding :class:`~.Parameter`. Args: prefix: prefix prepended to the keys. recursive: if ``True``, returns all buffers within this module, else only returns buffers that are direct attributes of this module. prefix: Optional[str]: """ yield from self._flatten( with_key=True, prefix=prefix, predicate=_is_buffer, recursive=recursive, **kwargs, )
[docs] def tensors(self, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Iterable[Parameter]: r""" Returns an iterable for the :class:`~.Tensor` of the module. :param recursive: If ``True``, returns all :class:`~.Tensor` within this module, else only returns :class:`~.Tensor` that are direct attributes of this module. """ yield from self._flatten( with_key=False, predicate=_is_tensor, recursive=recursive, **kwargs )
[docs] def named_tensors( self, prefix: Optional[str] = None, recursive: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Tensor]]: """ Returns an iterable for key tensor pairs of the module, where ``key`` is the dotted path from this module to the tensor. :param prefix: prefix prepended to the keys. :param recursive: if ``True``, returns all tensors within this module, else only returns tensors that are direct attributes of this module. """ yield from self._flatten( with_key=True, prefix=prefix, predicate=_is_tensor, recursive=recursive, **kwargs, )
[docs] def children(self, **kwargs) -> "Iterable[Module]": r"""Returns an iterable for all the submodules that are direct attributes of this module. """ yield from self._flatten( with_key=False, predicate=_is_module, recursive=False, **kwargs )
[docs] def named_children(self, **kwargs) -> "Iterable[Tuple[str, Module]]": r"""Returns an iterable of key-submodule pairs for all the submodules that are direct attributes of this module, where 'key' is the attribute name of submodules. """ yield from self._flatten( with_key=True, predicate=_is_module, recursive=False, **kwargs )
[docs] def modules(self, **kwargs) -> "Iterable[Module]": r"""Returns an iterable for all the modules within this module, including itself.""" if "with_parent" in kwargs and kwargs["with_parent"]: yield self, None else: yield self yield from self._flatten(with_key=False, predicate=_is_module, **kwargs)
[docs] def named_modules( self, prefix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> "Iterable[Tuple[str, Module]]": r"""Returns an iterable of key-module pairs for all the modules within this module, including itself, where 'key' is the dotted path from this module to the submodules. Args: prefix: prefix prepended to the path. """ if "with_parent" in kwargs and kwargs["with_parent"]: yield ("" if prefix is None else prefix), self, None else: yield ("" if prefix is None else prefix), self yield from self._flatten( with_key=True, prefix=prefix, predicate=_is_module, **kwargs )
[docs] def apply(self, fn: "Callable[[Module], Any]") -> None: r"""Applies function ``fn`` to all the modules within this module, including itself. Args: fn: the function to be applied on modules. """ for it in self.modules(): fn(it)
[docs] @deprecated(version="1.0") def zero_grad(self) -> None: r"""Sets all parameters' grads to zero""" for param in self.parameters(): if param.grad is not None: param.grad.reset_zero()
[docs] def train(self, mode: bool = True, recursive: bool = True) -> None: r"""Sets training mode of all the modules within this module (including itself) to ``mode``. This effectively sets the ``training`` attributes of those modules to ``mode``, but only has effect on certain modules (e.g. :class:`~.BatchNorm2d`, :class:`~.Dropout`, :class:`~.Observer`) Args: mode: the training mode to be set on modules. recursive: whether to recursively call submodules' ``train()``. """ if not recursive: = mode return def fn(module: Module) -> None: module.train(mode, recursive=False) self.apply(fn)
[docs] def eval(self) -> None: r"""Sets training mode of all the modules within this module (including itself) to ``False``. See :meth:`~.Module.train` for details. """ self.train(False)
[docs] def disable_quantize(self, value=True): r"""Sets ``module``'s ``quantize_disabled`` attribute and return ``module``. Could be used as a decorator. """ def fn(module: Module) -> None: module.quantize_disabled = value self.apply(fn)
[docs] @deprecated(version="1.0") def replace_param( self, params: dict, start_pos: int, seen: Optional[Set[int]] = None ): r"""Replaces module's parameters with ``params``, used by :class:`~.ParamPack` to speedup multimachine training. """ offset = 0 if seen is None: seen = set([id(self)]) module_dict = vars(self) for key in sorted(module_dict): hash_id = id(module_dict[key]) if hash_id in seen: continue seen.add(hash_id) if isinstance(module_dict[key], Parameter): if start_pos + offset in params: assert make_shape_tuple(module_dict[key].shape) == make_shape_tuple( params[start_pos + offset].shape ) module_dict[key] = params[start_pos + offset] offset += 1 if isinstance(module_dict[key], Module): offset += module_dict[key].replace_param( params, start_pos + offset, seen ) return offset
[docs] def state_dict(self, rst=None, prefix="", keep_var=False): r"""Returns a dictionary containing whole states of the module.""" _rst = self._state_dict(rst=rst, prefix=prefix, keep_var=keep_var) rst = OrderedDict() XNorm_typeclass = _get_XNorm_typeclass() for (module_type, k), v in _rst.items(): # for performance reasons, parameters in XNorm (e.g., BatchNorm2d) are 4-dim tensors, # however they will be reshaped to 1-dim tensors before returned by `statr_dict()` if issubclass(module_type, XNorm_typeclass): v = v.reshape(-1) rst[k] = v return rst
def _state_dict(self, rst=None, prefix="", keep_var=False): r"""Returns a dictionary containing whole states of the module.""" def is_state(obj): return _is_parameter(obj) or _is_buffer(obj) module_type = self.__class__ if rst is None: rst = OrderedDict() for k, v in self._flatten(recursive=False, with_key=True, predicate=is_state): assert prefix + k not in rst, "duplicated state: {}".format(k) if keep_var: rst[(module_type, prefix + k)] = v else: rst[(module_type, prefix + k)] = v.numpy() for k, submodule in self._flatten( recursive=False, with_key=True, predicate=lambda obj: isinstance(obj, Module), ): submodule.state_dict(rst, prefix + k + ".", keep_var) return rst
[docs] def load_state_dict( self, state_dict: Union[dict, Callable[[str, Tensor], Optional[np.ndarray]]], strict=True, ): r"""Loads a given dictionary created by :func:`state_dict` into this module. If ``strict`` is ``True``, the keys of :func:`state_dict` must exactly match the keys returned by :func:`state_dict`. Users can also pass a closure: ``Function[key: str, var: Tensor] -> Optional[np.ndarray]`` as a `state_dict`, in order to handle complex situations. For example, load everything except for the final linear classifier: .. code-block:: state_dict = {...} # Dict[str, np.ndarray] model.load_state_dict({ k: None if k.startswith('fc') else v for k, v in state_dict.items() }, strict=False) Here returning ``None`` means skipping parameter ``k``. To prevent shape mismatch (e.g. load PyTorch weights), we can reshape before loading: .. code-block:: state_dict = {...} def reshape_accordingly(k, v): return state_dict[k].reshape(v.shape) model.load_state_dict(reshape_accordingly) We can also perform inplace re-initialization or pruning: .. code-block:: def reinit_and_pruning(k, v): if 'bias' in k: M.init.zero_(v) if 'conv' in k: """ unused = [] if isinstance(state_dict, dict): unused = state_dict.keys() def closure(k, _): # var unused return state_dict[k] if k in state_dict else None elif callable(state_dict): closure = state_dict else: raise ValueError( "`state_dict` must load a dict or callable, got {}".format( type(state_dict) ) ) loaded, skipped = self._load_state_dict_with_closure(closure) unused = set(unused) - loaded if len(unused) != 0: if strict: raise KeyError( "Unused params violate `strict=True`, unused={}".format(unused) ) else: logger.warning( "Unused params in `strict=False` mode, unused={}".format(unused) ) if len(skipped) != 0: if strict: raise KeyError( "Missing params violate `strict=True`, missing={}".format(skipped) ) else: logger.warning( "Missing params in `strict=False` mode, missing={}".format(skipped) )
def _load_state_dict_with_closure(self, closure): r"""Advance state_dict load through callable ``closure`` whose signature is ``closure(key: str, var: Tensor) -> Union[np.ndarry, None]`` """ XNorm_typeclass = _get_XNorm_typeclass() assert callable(closure), "closure must be a function" loaded = [] skipped = [] local_state_dict = self._state_dict(keep_var=True) for (module_type, k), var in local_state_dict.items(): to_be_load = closure(k, var) if to_be_load is None: skipped.append(k) continue assert isinstance( to_be_load, np.ndarray ), "closure should return a `np.ndarray`, now `{}` get {}".format( k, to_be_load ) var_shape = make_shape_tuple(var.shape) to_be_load_shape = make_shape_tuple(to_be_load.shape) if var_shape != to_be_load_shape: # weight and bias in BatchNorm1d, BatchNorm2d and SyncBatchNorm are 1-dim tensors in v1.0, and # since v1.1 they are 4-dim tensors. The following special rule for these modules preserves the # backward compatibility. if issubclass(module_type, XNorm_typeclass): if == to_be_load = to_be_load.reshape(var_shape) else: raise ValueError( "param `{}` size mismatch, should be {}, get {}".format( k,, ) ) else: raise ValueError( "param `{}` shape mismatch, should be {}, get {}".format( k, var_shape, to_be_load_shape ) ) var._reset( type(var)( to_be_load, dtype=to_be_load.dtype, device=var.device, no_cache=True ) ) loaded.append(k) return set(loaded), set(skipped) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value): is_module_like = _is_module(value) or isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)) if name != "_modules": modules = self.__dict__.get("_modules") if modules is None and is_module_like: raise AttributeError( "cannot assign module before Module.__init__() call" ) if is_module_like: if name not in modules: modules.append(name) else: if modules is not None and name in modules: modules.remove(name) def append_name(prefix, name): if prefix is None or prefix == "": return name return prefix + "." + name def set_name(parent, prefix, name, obj): if isinstance(obj, Tensor): assert is not None if != "": name = full_name = append_name(prefix, name) if obj._short_name and obj._short_name != name: logger.warning( "try setting the submodule `{}` to `{}`'s new attribute `{}`, its name `{}` will remain unchanged".format( obj._short_name, type(parent), name, obj._short_name ) ) return if isinstance(obj, Tensor): obj._prefix = prefix obj._name = full_name obj._short_name = name obj._set_name(obj._name) return obj._name elif isinstance(obj, Module): obj._name = full_name obj._short_name = name for k, v in obj._flatten(recursive=False, with_key=True): set_name(obj, full_name, k, v) return obj._name else: assert False for k, v in _expand_structure(name, value): prefix = self._name if self._name else set_name(self, prefix, k, v) super().__setattr__(name, value) def __setstate__(self, state): if "_short_name" not in state: state["_short_name"] = state["_name"] state["_name"] = None self.__dict__.update(state) def __delattr__(self, name: str): if name in self.__dict__ and _is_module(self.__dict__[name]): modules = self.__dict__.get("_modules") if name in modules: modules.remove(name) super().__delattr__(name) def _module_info_string(self) -> str: r"""Set the extra representation of the module.""" return "" def __repr__(self): def add_indent(repr_str, num_spaces): s = repr_str.split("\n") # don't do anything for single-line stuff if len(s) == 1: return repr_str first = s.pop(0) s = [(num_spaces * " ") + line for line in s] s = "\n".join(s) s = first + "\n" + s return s extra_lines = [] extra_repr = self._module_info_string() if extra_repr: extra_lines = extra_repr.split("\n") child_lines = [] for name in self._modules: if _is_module(self.__dict__[name]): child_lines.append( "(" + name + "): " + add_indent(repr(self.__dict__[name]), 2) ) else: for k, v in _expand_structure(name, self.__dict__[name]): if _is_module(v): child_lines.append("(" + k + "): " + add_indent(repr(v), 2)) lines = extra_lines + child_lines main_str = self.__class__.__name__ + "(" if lines: # simple one-liner info, which most builtin Modules will use if len(extra_lines) == 1 and not child_lines: main_str += extra_lines[0] else: main_str += "\n " + "\n ".join(lines) + "\n" main_str += ")" return main_str