megengine.traced_module.expr 源代码

import builtins
import collections
import copy
import inspect
import re
import weakref
from importlib import import_module
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Union

from ..core._imperative_rt import OpDef
from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import Const
from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import Tensor as RawTensor
from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import (
from ..core.ops.builtin import FakeQuant
from ..module import Module
from ..tensor import Parameter, Tensor
from ..version import __version__
from .module_tracer import active_module_tracer, module_tracer
from .node import ModuleNode, Node, NodeMixin, TensorNode
from .pytree import ArgsIndex, TreeDef, _is_const_leaf, _is_leaf, tree_flatten
from .serialization import _ModuleState
from .tm_config import _exclude_from_trace, _get_expr_checker
from .utils import _check_builtin_module_attr, _check_obj_attr, _convert_kwargs_to_args

def rstrip(s: str, __chars: str):
    __chars = re.escape(__chars)
    s = re.sub(r"^(?P<left>.*?)(?:%s)+$" % __chars, "\g<left>", s)
    return s

def get_suffix_name(prefix: str, name: str):
    if prefix == name:
        return ""
    matchd = re.compile("^%s\.(.*)" % prefix).match(name)
    if matchd is None:
        return None

def is_call_module(expr, module_cls: Module = None):
    return (
        isinstance(expr, CallMethod)
        and isinstance(expr.inputs[0], ModuleNode)
        and expr.method == "__call__"
    ) and (module_cls is None or isinstance(expr.inputs[0].owner, module_cls))

def is_call_tensor_method(expr, method: Iterable[str] = None):
    if method and isinstance(method, str):
        method = (method,)
    return (
        isinstance(expr, CallMethod)
        and not is_call_module(expr)
        and (method is None or any(expr.method == f for f in method))

def is_call_function(expr, func: Iterable[Callable] = None):
    if func and not isinstance(func, Iterable):
        func = (func,)
    return isinstance(expr, CallFunction) and (
        func is None or any(expr.func == f for f in func)

def is_constant(expr):
    return isinstance(expr, Constant)

def is_getattr(expr):
    return isinstance(expr, GetAttr)

def is_apply_def(expr, opdef=None):
    return isinstance(expr, Apply) and (opdef is None or isinstance(expr.opdef, opdef))

def is_input(expr):
    return isinstance(expr, Input)

class Expr:
    r"""``Expr`` represents the operations (i.e. ``CallMethod``, ``CallFunction``, ``Apply``, 
    ``GetAttr``, ``Input``, ``Constant``) on ``Node``.

    inputs = None  # type: List[Node]
    r"""The input Nodes of this Expr."""
    outputs = None  # type: List[Node]
    r"""The output Nodes of this Expr."""
    const_val = None  # type: List[Any]
    r"""The non-tensor object in the input of the operation."""
    arg_def = None  # type: TreeDef
    r"""The :class:`TreeDef` used to reconstruct the input of the operation."""
    out_def = None  # type: TreeDef
    r"""The :class:`TreeDef` used to reconstruct the output of the operation."""
    _top_graph = None  # type: weakref.ReferenceType
    __total_id = 0

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._id = Expr.__total_id
        Expr.__total_id += 1
        self._disable_remove = False

    def enable_remove(self):
        self._disable_remove = False

    def disable_remove(self):
        self._disable_remove = True

    def add_inputs(self, vals):
        if not isinstance(vals,
            vals = (vals,)
        for val in vals:
            node = NodeMixin.get(val, None)
            if isinstance(node, (TensorNode, ModuleNode)):
                assert node is None
                assert not isinstance(val, (Module, RawTensor))
                assert _is_leaf(val) and _is_const_leaf(val)
                idx = len(self.inputs) + len(self.const_val)
                self.const_val.append((idx, val))

    def add_outputs(self, outputs):
        assert active_module_tracer() is not None
        self.outputs = []
        if outputs is None:
        current_graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope()
        if not isinstance(outputs,
            outputs = (outputs,)
        for i in outputs:
            assert isinstance(i, RawTensor), "The output must be a Tensor"
            node = NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(i)(expr=self, name="", qualname="",)
            NodeMixin.wrap_safe(i, node)

    def unflatten_args(self, inputs):
        assert self.arg_def is not None, "{} expr doesn't have args/kwargs".format(
        inputs = list(inputs)
        for idx, val in self.const_val:
            inputs.insert(idx, val)
        args, kwargs = self.arg_def.unflatten(inputs)
        return args, kwargs

    def replace_inputs(self, repl_dict: Dict[Node, Node]):
        r"""Replace the input Nodes of this Expr.
            repl_dict: the map {old_Node: new_Node} that specifies how to replace the input Nodes.
        while repl_dict:
            node, repl_node = repl_dict.popitem()
            assert type(node) == type(repl_node)
            assert node in self.inputs, "({}) is not in the ({})".format(node, self)
            assert (
                repl_node.top_graph == node.top_graph
            ), "({}) and ({}) are not in the same graph".format(node, repl_node)
            graph = self.top_graph
            repl_expr_idx = graph._exprs.index(repl_node.expr)
            self_idx = graph._exprs.index(self)
            assert (
                repl_expr_idx < self_idx
            ), "({}) must be generated before ({})".format(repl_node, self)
            idx = self.inputs.index(node)
            self.inputs[idx] = repl_node

    def _support_set_args_kwargs(self):
        return False

    def set_args_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs):
        r""" Set args and kwargs for Expr.
        assert (
        ), "Doesn't support set args/kwargs for {} expr".format(type(self).__name__)
        args, kwargs = _convert_kwargs_to_args(self._get_func(), args, kwargs)
        inputs, arg_def = tree_flatten((args, kwargs))
        orig_inputs = self.inputs
        self.inputs = []
        self.const_val = []
        for val in inputs:
            if isinstance(val, (TensorNode, ModuleNode)):
                assert _is_leaf(val) and _is_const_leaf(val)
                idx = len(self.inputs) + len(self.const_val)
                self.const_val.append((idx, val))

        for n in orig_inputs:
            if n not in self.inputs:

        for n in self.inputs:
            if n not in orig_inputs:

        self.arg_def = arg_def

    def kwargs(self):
        r"""Get the keyword arguments of the operation corresponding to this Expr."""
        _, kwargs = self.unflatten_args(self.inputs)
        return kwargs

    def args(self):
        r"""Get the positional arguments of the operation corresponding to this Expr."""
        args, _ = self.unflatten_args(self.inputs)
        return args

    def _get_func(self):
        # get called function when the expr is interpreted
        raise NotImplementedError

    def named_args(self):
        func = self._get_func()
        return inspect.getcallargs(func, *self.args, **self.kwargs)

    def set_arg(self, name, val):
        func = self._get_func()
        if name in self.kwargs:
            new_kwargs = self.kwargs
            new_kwargs[name] = val
            self.set_args_kwargs(*self.args, **new_kwargs)
            arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(func)
            if name in arg_spec.args:
                ind = arg_spec.args.index(name)
                new_args = list(self.args)
                new_args[ind] = val
            elif name == arg_spec.varargs:
                assert arg_spec.varargs is not None
                assert len(self.args) >= len(arg_spec.args)
                val = (val,) if not isinstance(val, Sequence) else val
                self.set_args_kwargs(*self.args[0 : len(arg_spec.args)], *val)
                assert (
                    arg_spec.varkw is not None
                ), "func {} does't have argument named {}".format(func, name)
                new_kwargs = self.kwargs
                new_kwargs[name] = val
                self.set_args_kwargs(*self.args, **new_kwargs)

    def return_val(self):
        return self.out_def.unflatten(self.outputs)

    def return_val(self, new_outputs):
        outputs, out_def = tree_flatten(
            new_outputs, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, Node)
        assert all(
            isinstance(o, Node) for o in outputs
        ), "Return values of expr must be ModuleNode or TensorNode or Container with them"
        assert all(
            o.expr in (None, self) for o in outputs
        ), "Some nodes are produced by other expr, can not be output of expr {}".format(
        self.outputs = outputs
        self.out_def = out_def

    def top_graph(self):
        r"""Get the parent graph of this Expr."""
        if self._top_graph:
            return self._top_graph()
        return None

    def _get_next_id(cls):
        return cls.__total_id

    def _set_next_id(cls, id: int = 0):
        assert isinstance(id, int)
        cls.__total_id = id

    def __copy__(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        return result

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        state = {}
        memo[id(self)] = result
        for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
            if not isinstance(v, weakref.ReferenceType):
                state[k] = copy.deepcopy(v, memo)
        return result

# expr: None (i.e. fake expression which is used to mark input)
[文档]class Input(Expr): r"""A fake Expr which is used to mark the input of graph.""" name = None def __init__(self, type: List[Node], name: str = "args", qualname: str = ""): super().__init__() assert type in [ModuleNode, TensorNode] assert name and qualname self.inputs = [] node_cls = type if type else Node self.outputs = [ node_cls(self, name=name, qualname=qualname), ] = name @classmethod def make(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert active_module_tracer() is not None current_graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope() expr = cls(*args, **kwargs) out_node = expr.outputs[0] current_graph._namespace.auto_naming_for_outputs(expr) current_graph._add_input(out_node) return expr.outputs[0] def __repr__(self): return "%{}:\t{} = Input()".format(self._id, self.outputs[0]) def __getstate__(self): state = { "_id": self._id, "_disable_remove": self._disable_remove, "inputs": self.inputs, "outputs": self.outputs, "name":, } _check_obj_attr(state) return state
# expr: outputs = getattr(inputs[0],
[文档]class GetAttr(Expr): r"""``Getattr`` represents the fetch of an attribute from the ``Module`` hierarchy.""" name = None r"""name: the qualified name of the attribute to be retrieved.""" def __init__( self, module: ModuleNode, type: Union[Node], attr_name: str, name: str = "", ): super().__init__() assert isinstance(module, ModuleNode) assert type in [TensorNode, ModuleNode] self.inputs = [ module, ] module.users.append(self) = attr_name self.outputs = [ type(self, name=name, qualname="{}.{}".format(module.qualname, attr_name)), ] @classmethod def make(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert active_module_tracer() is not None current_graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope() expr = cls(*args, **kwargs) current_graph._namespace.auto_naming_for_outputs(expr) current_graph._insert(expr) return expr.outputs[0] def interpret(self, *inputs): mod = inputs[0] module_path, _, name =".") if module_path == "": return (getattr(mod, name),) module_names = module_path.split(".") for item in module_names: mod = getattr(mod, item) if not isinstance(mod, Module): raise AttributeError("`{}` is not an Module".format(item)) return (getattr(mod, name),) def __repr__(self): out_type = "Tensor" if isinstance(self.outputs[0], ModuleNode): m_type = self.outputs[0].module_type out_type = m_type.__name__ if isinstance(m_type, type) else m_type[1] return '%{}:\t{} = getattr({}, "{}") -> ({})'.format( self._id, self.outputs[0], self.inputs[0],, out_type ) def __getstate__(self): state = { "_id": self._id, "_disable_remove": self._disable_remove, "inputs": self.inputs, "outputs": self.outputs, "name":, } _check_obj_attr(state) return state
# expr: outputs = inputs[0].__call__(*inputs[1:])
[文档]class CallMethod(Expr): r"""``CallMethod`` represents a call to the ``__call__`` method of ``Module`` or a method of ``Tensor``. Args: node: the Node to be called. method: the method name. Default: "__call__" """ def __init__(self, node, method="__call__"): super().__init__() if isinstance(node, type): assert issubclass(node, Tensor) cls = Parameter if issubclass(node, Parameter) else Tensor self.inputs = [] self.const_val = [(0, cls)] else: assert isinstance(node, (TensorNode, ModuleNode)) node.users.append(self) self.inputs = [ node, ] self.const_val = [] self.arg_def = tree_flatten(((node,), {}))[1] self.method = method @classmethod def make(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert active_module_tracer() is not None expr = cls(*args, **kwargs) active_module_tracer().current_scope()._insert(expr) return expr @property def graph(self): if isinstance(self.inputs[0], ModuleNode): m_node = self.inputs[0] if ( hasattr(m_node.owner, "argdef_graph_map") and m_node.owner.argdef_graph_map ): assert self.arg_def in m_node.owner.argdef_graph_map return m_node.owner.argdef_graph_map[self.arg_def] return None def interpret(self, *inputs): args, kwargs = self.unflatten_args(inputs) obj = args[0] meth = getattr(obj, self.method) if inspect.ismethod(meth): args = args[1:] outputs = getattr(obj, self.method)(*args, **kwargs) if self.method == "__setitem__": outputs = obj if outputs is None: return outputs outputs, _ = tree_flatten(outputs, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, RawTensor)) return outputs def _get_func(self): if isinstance(self.args[0], type): obj_type = self.args[0] elif isinstance(self.args[0], ModuleNode): obj_type = self.args[0].module_type else: assert isinstance(self.args[0], TensorNode) obj_type = Tensor meth = getattr( obj_type, "forward" if issubclass(obj_type, Module) else self.method ) return meth @property def _support_set_args_kwargs(self): # only expr call tensor method or builtin module support modify args/kwargs return ( isinstance(self.args[0], (TensorNode, type)) or self.args[0].module_type is not Module ) def __repr__(self): args = ", ".join(str(i) for i in self.args[1:]) kwargs = ", ".join("{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()) outputs = self.outputs if self.out_def: outputs = self.out_def.unflatten(outputs) method = ".%s" % self.method if method == ".__call__": method = "" return "%{}:\t{}{}{}({})".format( self._id, str(outputs) + " = " if outputs else "", self.args[0], method, ", ".join([args, kwargs]), ) def __getstate__(self): state = { "_id": self._id, "_disable_remove": self._disable_remove, "inputs": self.inputs, "const_val": self.const_val, "method": self.method, "arg_def": self.arg_def, "out_def": self.out_def, "outputs": self.outputs, "version": __version__, } _check_obj_attr(state) return state
# expr: outputs = apply(self.opdef, *inputs)
[文档]class Apply(Expr): r"""``Apply`` represents a call to :func:`apply`. Args: opdef: the applied :class:`OpDef`. """ opdef = None def __init__(self, opdef): super().__init__() assert isinstance(opdef, OpDef) self.opdef = opdef self.inputs = [] @classmethod def make(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert active_module_tracer() is not None expr = cls(*args, **kwargs) active_module_tracer().current_scope()._insert(expr) return expr def interpret(self, *inputs): return apply(self.opdef, *inputs) def __repr__(self): return "%{}:\t{} = {}({})".format( self._id, ", ".join(str(i) for i in self.outputs), self.opdef, ", ".join(str(i) for i in self.inputs), ) def __getstate__(self): opdef_state = self.opdef.__getstate__() opdef_state["opdef_type"] = type(self.opdef) state = { "_id": self._id, "_disable_remove": self._disable_remove, "opdef_state": opdef_state, "inputs": self.inputs, "outputs": self.outputs, "version": __version__, } _check_obj_attr(state) return state def __setstate__(self, state): # compat with mge 1.6 if "opdef" in state and "opdef_state" not in state: opdef_state = state.pop("opdef") opdef_state["opdef_type"] = opdef_state.pop("type") state["opdef_state"] = opdef_state self.__dict__.update(state) assert isinstance(state["opdef_state"], dict) opdef_state = state["opdef_state"].copy() opdef_type = opdef_state.pop("opdef_type") opdef_obj = opdef_type() opdef_obj.__setstate__(opdef_state) setattr(self, "opdef", opdef_obj) @classmethod def apply_module_trace_hook(cls, opdef, *inputs): for i in inputs: node = NodeMixin.get(i, None) if node is None: # capture as constant NodeMixin.wrap_safe(i, Constant.make(i)) if isinstance(opdef, FakeQuant): inp_nodes = [NodeMixin.get(inputs[0])] for i in inputs[1:]: node = Constant.make(i) if _get_expr_checker(): active_module_tracer().checker.record_node2value(node, Tensor(i)) inp_nodes.append(node) apply_node = cls.make(opdef) for n in inp_nodes: n.users.append(apply_node) apply_node.inputs = inp_nodes else: apply_node = cls.make(opdef) apply_node.add_inputs(inputs) assert not apply_node.const_val unset_module_tracing() outputs = apply(opdef, *inputs) set_module_tracing() apply_node.add_outputs(outputs) for n, v in zip(apply_node.outputs, outputs): NodeMixin.wrap_safe(v, n) if _get_expr_checker(): with _exclude_from_trace(): active_module_tracer().checker.check_apply(apply_node, outputs, opdef) return list(outputs)
[文档]class CallFunction(Expr): r"""``CallFunction`` represents a call to a built-in function. Args: func: a built-in function. """ def __init__(self, func): super().__init__() assert isinstance(func, Callable) self.func = func self.const_val = [] self.inputs = [] @classmethod def make(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert active_module_tracer() is not None expr = cls(*args, **kwargs) active_module_tracer().current_scope()._insert(expr) return expr def interpret(self, *inputs): args, kwargs = self.unflatten_args(inputs) func = ( self.func if not is_tracing_module() else active_module_tracer().patcher.wrap_fn(self.func) ) outputs = func(*args, **kwargs) if outputs is None: return outputs outputs, _ = tree_flatten(outputs, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, RawTensor)) return outputs def _get_func(self): return self.func @property def _support_set_args_kwargs(self): return True def __repr__(self): args = ", ".join(str(i) for i in self.args) kwargs = ", ".join("{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.kwargs.items()) outputs = self.outputs if self.out_def: outputs = self.out_def.unflatten(outputs) return "%{}:\t{}{}({})".format( self._id, str(outputs) + " = " if outputs else "", self.func.__module__.rsplit(".")[-1] + "." + self.func.__name__, ", ".join([args, kwargs]), ) def __getstate__(self): state = { "_id": self._id, "_disable_remove": self._disable_remove, "func": (self.func.__module__, self.func.__qualname__), "const_val": self.const_val, "inputs": self.inputs, "arg_def": self.arg_def, "out_def": self.out_def, "outputs": self.outputs, "version": __version__, } _check_obj_attr(state) return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) try: if isinstance(self.func, tuple): mname, fname = self.func f = import_module(mname) for i in fname.split("."): f = getattr(f, i) self.func = f except Exception: pass
# expr outputs = self.value
[文档]class Constant(Expr): r"""``Constant`` represents a ``Tensor`` or "Module" which is not the attribute of a Module. Args: c: a const Tensor or Module. name: the name of output Node. """ value = None r"""The const Tensor or Module""" # TODO: constant cache to reduce the size of dumped model _constant_cache = {} def __init__(self, c, name: str = "", qualname: str = ""): super().__init__() assert isinstance(c, (RawTensor, Module)) if isinstance(c, Module): assert module_tracer.is_builtin(c) or c.is_qat if type(c) is RawTensor: with _exclude_from_trace(): c = Tensor(c) self.value = c = name self.inputs = [] node_cls = NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(c) self.outputs = [ node_cls(self, name=name, qualname=qualname), ] @classmethod def make(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert active_module_tracer() is not None expr = cls(*args, **kwargs) current_graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope() current_graph._namespace.auto_naming_for_outputs(expr) current_graph._insert(expr) active_module_tracer().current_constant_cache().append(expr.value) return expr.outputs[0] def interpret(self, *inputs): if isinstance(self.value, RawTensor): return (Const(self.value.numpy(), None, None),) return (self.value,) def __repr__(self): name = if name is None: name = type(self.value) node_type = "Module" if isinstance(self.outputs[0], TensorNode): node_type = "Tensor" return "%{}:\t{} = Constant({}) -> ({})".format( self._id, self.outputs[0], name, node_type ) def __getstate__(self): state = { "_id": self._id, "_disable_remove": self._disable_remove, "value": self.value, "name":, "inputs": self.inputs, "outputs": self.outputs, } _check_obj_attr(state) if isinstance(self.value, RawTensor): state["value"] = Tensor(self.value) if isinstance(self.value, Module) and module_tracer.is_builtin(self.value): _check_builtin_module_attr(self.value) state["value"] = _ModuleState.get_module_state(self.value) return state def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, _ModuleState): state[k] = v.to_module() self.__dict__.update(state)
def _module_trace_capture(value): node = Constant.make(value) NodeMixin.wrap_safe(value, node) return node set_module_trace_hook(Apply.apply_module_trace_hook)