megengine.traced_module.traced_module 源代码

import builtins
import collections
import copy
import fnmatch
import functools
import inspect
import keyword
import re
import weakref
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import getcallargs, getmembers, isclass, ismethod
from itertools import chain
from types import FunctionType
from typing import (

from .. import functional as F
from .. import get_logger
from .. import module as M
from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import Tensor as RawTensor
from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import (
from ..core._trace_option import set_symbolic_shape, use_symbolic_shape
from ..core.ops.builtin import Copy
from ..module import Module
from ..module import external as MExternal
from ..module.qat import QATModule
from ..quantization.fake_quant import LSQ, TQT, FakeQuantize, _FakeQuantize
from import (
from ..tensor import Tensor
from ..utils.max_recursion_limit import max_recursion_limit
from ..version import __version__
from .expr import (
from .fake_quant import FakeQuantize as TM_FakeQuant
from .module_tracer import (
from .node import ModuleNode, Node, NodeMixin, TensorNode
from .pytree import (
from .serialization import (
from .tm_config import (
from .utils import (

logger = get_logger(__name__)

def _is_builtin_name(name: str) -> bool:
    return (
        name in builtins.__dict__
        or name in keyword.kwlist
        or name in {"inf", "nan", "NoneType"}

def _is_leaf(node):
    assert isinstance(
        node, RawTensor
    ), 'doesn\'t support {} in return values, MUST use Tensor or use "register_supported_type" method to register self-defined type'.format(
    return isinstance(node, RawTensor)

def _node_to_tensor(*args, **kwargs):
    tensors = []
    nodes, tree_def = tree_flatten((args, kwargs))
    for n in nodes:
        if isinstance(n, TensorNode):
            if n.top_graph is not None:
            value = n.value
            if value is None:
                flag = _set_graph_surgery_mode(False)
                with _exclude_from_trace():
                    value = F.zeros(shape=n._shape, dtype=n._dtype)
            orig_n = NodeMixin.get(value, None)
            if orig_n is None or "setitem" not in orig_n._name:
                NodeMixin.wrap_safe(value, n)
    tensors = tree_def.unflatten(tensors)
    return tensors

def _tensor_to_node(tensors):
    if tensors is None:
        return None
    nodes = []
    tensors, out_def = tree_flatten(tensors)
    for t in tensors:
        if isinstance(t, Tensor):
            n = NodeMixin.get(t, None)
            if isinstance(n, TensorNode):
                n.value = t
    nodes = out_def.unflatten(nodes)
    return nodes

def _name_setter(node: Node, new_name: str):
    surgery_mode = _set_graph_surgery_mode(False)
    graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope()

    if node.top_graph is not None:
        top_graph = active_module_tracer().top_scope()
        if node is top_graph._namespace.used_names.get(node._name, None):
            graph = top_graph
            graph = node.top_graph

    assert (
        graph._namespace.used_names.get(new_name, None) is None
    ), "The name(%s) is already in use. Please try a different one again." % (new_name)
    node._name = graph._namespace.create_unique_name(new_name, node)

def _wrap_method_to_tensor_node():
    def _any_method(name, func):
        def _any(*args, **kwargs):
            if is_tracing_module() and _graph_surgery_mode():
                args, kwargs = _node_to_tensor(*args, **kwargs)
                attr = getattr(args[0], name)
                outs = attr
                if callable(attr):
                    outs = attr(*(args[1:]), **kwargs)
                if name == "__setitem__":
                    return None
                outs = _tensor_to_node(outs)
                return outs
                outs = func
                if callable(func):
                    outs = func(*args, **kwargs)
                if isinstance(func, property):
                    outs = func.__get__(*args, **kwargs)
            return outs

        return _any

    tensor_method_patch = []
    for method in get_tensor_wrapable_method():
        patch = PatchedFn(TensorNode, method)
        if type(getattr(Tensor, method)) == property:
            # Only support property.getter
            patch.set_func(property(_any_method(method, patch.origin_fn)))
            patch.set_func(_any_method(method, patch.origin_fn))

    patch = PatchedFn(Node, "name")
    patch.set_func(property(patch.origin_fn.fget, _name_setter))
    return tensor_method_patch

def _convert_node_and_tensor(orig_func):
    def _convert(*args, **kwargs):
        if is_tracing_module() and _graph_surgery_mode():
            args, kwargs = _node_to_tensor(*args, **kwargs)
            rst = orig_func(*args, **kwargs, method_func=_convert)
            rst = _tensor_to_node(rst)
            return rst
            rst = orig_func(*args, **kwargs)
        return rst

    return _convert

def _wrap_mnode_getattr(orig_getattr):
    def wraped_fn(self, name):
        if is_tracing_module() and _graph_surgery_mode():
            obj = self.owner
            current_graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope()
            if self.top_graph is not None:
            attr = getattr(obj, name)
            node = attr
            if not isinstance(attr, TracedModuleBuilder):
                if isinstance(attr, Module):
                    attr = TracedModuleBuilder(attr)
                    setattr(obj, name, attr)

                if isinstance(attr, (NodeMixin, RawTensor)):
                        lambda: GetAttr.make(
            if isinstance(attr, (NodeMixin, RawTensor)):
                node = NodeMixin.get(attr)
            if isinstance(node, ModuleNode) and isinstance(attr, (NodeMixin, Module)):
                node._owner = weakref.ref(attr)
            return node
            node = object.__getattribute__(self, name)
        return node

    return wraped_fn

def _wrap_mnode_call(orig_call):
    def wraped_fn(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if is_tracing_module() and _graph_surgery_mode():
            obj = self.owner
            if self.top_graph is not None:
            rst = obj(*args, **kwargs)
            raise TypeError("'ModuleNode' object is not callable")
        return rst

    return wraped_fn

class _InsertExprs:
    def __init__(self, graph, expr: Optional[Expr] = None):
        self.graph = graph
        while graph.top_graph is not None:
            graph = graph.top_graph
        assert graph.inputs[0].owner._is_top
        self.root_graph = graph
        self.global_scope = InternalGraph(self.graph._name, self.graph._qualname)
        self.expr = expr
        self._tensor_method_patch = None

    def __enter__(self):
        self.use_sym_shape = set_symbolic_shape(True)
        node_id, expr_id = self.root_graph._total_ids
        assert active_module_tracer() is None
            module_tracer(lambda x: _convert_node_and_tensor(_wrapped_function(x)))
        for cls, name, func in [
            [ModuleNode, "__getattr__", _wrap_mnode_getattr],
            [ModuleNode, "__call__", _wrap_mnode_call],
            [TracedModuleBuilder, "__call__", _convert_node_and_tensor],
            active_module_tracer().patcher.patch_function(cls, name, func)
        self._tensor_method_patch = _wrap_method_to_tensor_node()

    def __exit__(self, ty, va, tr):
        if va is not None:
            return False
        active_module_tracer().patcher.__exit__(ty, va, tr)

        while self._tensor_method_patch:
            pf = self._tensor_method_patch.pop()

        # delete ModuleNode.__call__ to avoid entering the
        # ModuleNode.__init__ method when call a ModuleNode object.
        delattr(ModuleNode, "__call__")

        module = self.graph.inputs[0].owner

        def build_traced_module(
            module: TracedModuleBuilder, target_module: TracedModule
            for k, v in module.__dict__.items():
                if isinstance(v, TracedModuleBuilder):
                    traced_v =
                    build_traced_module(v, traced_v)
                    setattr(target_module, k, traced_v)

        build_traced_module(module, module)


        extra_inp_nodes = set(self.global_scope.inputs)
        max_inp_expr_idx = -1
        for node in extra_inp_nodes:
            assert (
                node.top_graph == self.graph
            ), "The input node ({}) is not in the graph ({})".format(node, self.graph)
            if node.expr in self.graph._exprs:
                max_inp_expr_idx = max(
                    max_inp_expr_idx, self.graph._exprs.index(node.expr)
        max_inp_expr_idx += 1

        insert_index = -1
        if self.expr in self.graph._exprs:
            insert_index = self.graph._exprs.index(self.expr)
        insert_index += 1

        if insert_index < max_inp_expr_idx:
            insert_index = max_inp_expr_idx

        for expr in self.global_scope._exprs:
            self.graph._exprs.insert(insert_index, expr)
            insert_index += 1

        self.root_graph._total_ids = (Node._get_next_id(), Expr._get_next_id())
        for node in self.root_graph.nodes():
            if isinstance(node, TensorNode):
                node.value = None
        return True

class NameSpace:
    def __init__(self, name, qualname): = name
        self.qualname = qualname
        self._used_names = {}

    def create_unique_name(self, name: str, node: Any = None) -> str:
        assert isinstance(name, str), "The name must be a string"

        if name in self._used_names and (self._used_names[name] is node):
            return name

        name = re.sub("[^0-9a-zA-Z_]+", "_", name)
        if name[0].isdigit():
            name = "_{}".format(name)

        while (
            name in self._used_names and self._used_names[name] is not None
        ) or _is_builtin_name(name):
            match = re.match(r"(.*)_(\d+)$", name)
            if match is None:
                name = name + "_1"
                base, num =, 2)
                name = "{}_{}".format(base, int(num) + 1)


        if node is not None:
            self.associate_name_with_obj(name, node)

        return name

    def auto_naming_for_outputs(self, expr: Expr):
        _add_suffix = lambda x: x + "_out"
        if is_call_module(expr):
            call_node = expr.inputs[0]
            qualname = "%s.[out]" % (call_node.qualname)
            name =
        elif is_call_tensor_method(expr):
            name = expr.method.strip("_")
            qualname = "{}.[{}]".format(
                self.qualname, self.create_unique_name("method_%s" % (name)),
        elif is_call_function(expr):
            name = expr.func.__name__
            qualname = "{}.[{}]".format(
                self.qualname, self.create_unique_name("func_%s" % name),
        elif is_apply_def(expr):
            name = str(expr.opdef).lower()
            qualname = "{}.[{}]".format(
                self.qualname, self.create_unique_name("def_%s" % name),
        elif is_getattr(expr):
            qualname = "{}.{}".format(expr.inputs[0].qualname,
            name = get_suffix_name(self.qualname, qualname)
            _add_suffix = lambda x: x
        elif is_constant(expr) or is_input(expr):
            name = (
       if else "const_" + type(expr.value).__name__.lower()
            qualname = "{}.[{}]".format(self.qualname, name)
            _add_suffix = lambda x: x

        for node in expr.outputs:
            cur_name = node._name if node._name else _add_suffix(name)
            node._name = self.create_unique_name(cur_name, node)
            if node._qualname == "":
                node._qualname = qualname
            assert get_suffix_name(self.qualname, qualname) is not None

    def merge(self, other: "NameSpace"):

    def associate_name_with_obj(self, name: str, node: Node):
        assert name in self.used_names
        assert self.used_names[name] is None, "The name(%s) is already in use" % (name)
        self._used_names[name] = node

    def unassociate_name_with_obj(self, node: Node):
        assert in self.used_names
        # assert self.used_names[] is node
        self._used_names[] = None

    def used_names(self):
        return self._used_names

[文档]class InternalGraph: r"""``InternalGraph`` is the main data structure used in the TracedModule. It is used to represent the execution procedure of Module's forward method. For example, the following code .. code-block:: import megengine.random as rand import megengine.functional as F import megengine.module as M import megengine.traced_module as tm class MyModule(M.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.param = rand.normal(size=(3, 4)) self.linear = M.Linear(4, 5) def forward(self, x): return F.relu(self.linear(x + self.param)) net = MyModule() inp = F.zeros(shape = (3, 4)) traced_module = tm.trace_module(net, inp) Will produce the following ``InternalGraph``:: print(traced_module.graph) .. code-block:: text MyModule.Graph (self, x) { %2: linear = getattr(self, "linear") -> (Linear) %3: param = getattr(self, "param") -> (Tensor) %4: add_out = x.__add__(param, ) %5: linear_out = linear(add_out, ) %6: relu_out = nn.relu(linear_out, ) return relu_out } """ _exprs = None # type: List[Expr] _inputs = None # type: List[Node] _outputs = None # type: List[Node] _top_graph = None # type: InternalGraph _total_ids = None # type: List[int] def __init__(self, name: str, qualname: str): self._exprs = [] self._inputs = [] self._outputs = [] self._watch_point = [] self._end_point = [] self._namespace = NameSpace(name, qualname) self._rst = collections.defaultdict(list) self._name = name self._qualname = qualname def _insert(self, expr): self._exprs.append(expr) @property def name(self) -> str: r"""Get the name of this graph.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, new_name: str): r"""Set a new name to this graph.""" mod = self.inputs[0].owner graph = self.top_graph assert graph is not None or mod._is_top, "The parent graph cannot be None." if graph is not None: assert graph._namespace.used_names.get(new_name, None) is None, ( "The name(%s) is already in use. Please try a different one again." % (new_name) ) new_name = graph._namespace.create_unique_name(new_name, self) self._name = new_name @property def qualname(self) -> str: r"""Get the `qualname` of this graph. The `qualname` can be used to get the submodule from the traced Module or Module. Example: .. code-block:: import megengine.module as M import megengine.traced_module as tm import megengine as mge class block(M.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.relu = M.ReLU() def forward(self, x): return self.relu(x) class module(M.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.block = block() def forward(self, x): x = self.block(x) return x net = module() traced_net = tm.trace_module(net, mge.Tensor([0.])) qualname = traced_net.block.graph.qualname # qualname = "module.block" qualname = qualname.split(".", 1)[-1] # qualname = "block" assert qualname in list(map(lambda x: x[0], net.named_modules())) assert qualname in list(map(lambda x: x[0], traced_net.named_modules())) """ return self._qualname @property def inputs(self) -> List[Node]: r"""Get the list of input Nodes of this graph. Returns: A list of ``Node``. """ return self._inputs @property def outputs(self) -> List[Node]: r"""Get the list of output Nodes of this graph. Returns: A list of ``Node``. """ return self._outputs @property def top_graph(self): r"""Get the parent graph of this graph. Returns: An ``InternalGraph``. """ if self._top_graph: return self._top_graph() return None
[文档] def exprs(self, recursive=True): r"""Get the Exprs that constitute this graph. Args: recursive: whether to get the Exprs in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A ``ExprFilter`` containing all Exprs of this graph. """ return ExprFilter(_expr_iter(self, recursive))
[文档] def nodes(self, recursive=True): r"""Get the Nodes that constitute this graph. Args: recursive: whether to get the Nodes in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A ``NodeFilter`` containing all Nodes of this graph. """ return NodeFilter(_node_iter(self, recursive))
[文档] def get_function_by_type(self, func: Callable = None, recursive=True): r"""Filter Exprs by the type of ``CallFunction``. Args: func: a built-in function, such as ``F.relu``. recursive: whether to get the Exprs in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A :class:`~.TracedModule.ExprFilterCallFunction`. """ return self.exprs(recursive).call_function(func)
[文档] def get_method_by_type(self, method: str = None, recursive=True): r"""Filter Exprs by the type of ``CallMethod``. Args: method: a method string, such as "__add__". recursive: whether to get the Exprs in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A :class:`~.TracedModule.ExprFilterCallMethod`. """ return self.exprs(recursive).call_method(method)
[文档] def get_expr_by_id(self, expr_id: List[int] = None, recursive=True): r"""Filter Exprs by their ``id``. Args: expr_id: a list of :class:`int`. recursive: whether to get the Exprs in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A :class:`~.TracedModule.ExprFilterExprId`. """ return self.exprs(recursive).expr_id(expr_id)
[文档] def get_module_by_type(self, module_cls: Module, recursive=True): r"""Filter Nodes by the ``module_type`` of ``ModuleNode``. Args: module_cls: a subclass of :class:`~.Module`. recursive: whether to get the Nodes in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A :class:`~.TracedModule.NodeFilterType`. """ return self.nodes(recursive).type(module_cls)
[文档] def get_node_by_id(self, node_id: List[int] = None, recursive=True): r"""Filter Nodes by their ``id``. The ``id`` of the ``Node`` can be obtained by the following code .. code-block:: # node : Node print("{:i}".format(node)) print(node.__format__("i")) # graph : InternalGraph print("{:i}".format(graph)) print(graph.__format__("i")) Args: node_id: a list of :class:`int`. recursive: whether to get the Nodes in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A :class:`~.TracedModule.NodeFilterNodeId`. """ return self.nodes(recursive).node_id(node_id)
[文档] def get_node_by_name( self, name: str = None, ignorecase: bool = True, recursive=True ): r"""Filter Nodes by their full name. The full name of the ``Node`` can be obtained by the following code .. code-block:: # node : Node print("{:p}".format(node)) print(node.__format__("p")) # graph : InternalGraph print("{:p}".format(graph)) print(graph.__format__("p")) Args: name: a string in glob syntax that can contain ``?`` and ``*`` to match a single or arbitrary characters. ignorecase: whether to ignroe case. Default: True recursive: whether to get the Nodes in the subgraph. Default: True Returns: A :class:`~.TracedModule.NodeFilterName`. """ return self.nodes(recursive).name(name, ignorecase)
def _add_input(self, i): self._inputs.append(i) def _add_output(self, o): self._outputs.append(o)
[文档] def get_dep_exprs(self, nodes: Sequence[Node]) -> List[Expr]: r"""Get the dependent Exprs of the ``nodes``. Args: nodes: a list of :class:`Node`. Returns: A list of dependent :class:`Expr`. """ if not isinstance(nodes, Sequence): nodes = (nodes,) ret = list() queue = list(nodes) visited_queue = list() while queue: node = queue.pop() visited_queue.append(node) expr = node.expr if expr not in ret: ret.append(expr) for i in expr.inputs: if i not in queue and i not in visited_queue: queue.append(i) return ret
def reset_inputs(self, *args, **kwargs): forma_mnode = self.inputs[0] moudle = forma_mnode.owner assert moudle._is_top, "reset_inputs only supports top graph" inputs, tree_def = tree_flatten(((moudle, *args), kwargs)) def create_node(val: Tensor): name = self._namespace.create_unique_name("args") node = Input( type=TensorNode, name=name, qualname="%s.[%s]" % (self._qualname, name) ).outputs[0] self._namespace.associate_name_with_obj(, node) node.shape = val.shape node.dtype = val.dtype return node formal_node_inputs = [ forma_mnode, ] org_argdef = list(moudle.argdef_graph_map.keys())[0] for v in inputs[1:]: assert isinstance(v, RawTensor) formal_node_inputs.append(create_node(v)) self._inputs[:] = formal_node_inputs moudle.argdef_graph_map[tree_def] = moudle.argdef_graph_map.pop(org_argdef) moudle.argdef_outdef_map[tree_def] = moudle.argdef_outdef_map.pop(org_argdef) return formal_node_inputs[1:]
[文档] def add_input_node( self, shape: Tuple[int], dtype: str = "float32", name: str = "args" ): r"""Add an input node to the graph. The new Node will be the last of the positional arguments. Args: shape: the shape of the new input Node. dtype: the dtype of the new input Node. Default: float32 name: the name of the new input Node. When the name is used in the graph, a suffix will be added to it. """ forma_mnode = self.inputs[0] moudle = forma_mnode.owner assert moudle._is_top, "add_input_node only supports top graph" def create_node(name=None): name = self._namespace.create_unique_name(name) node = Input( type=TensorNode, name=name, qualname="%s.[%s]" % (self._qualname, name) ).outputs[0] self._namespace.associate_name_with_obj(, node) node.shape = shape node.dtype = dtype return node org_argdef = list(moudle.argdef_graph_map.keys())[0] args, kwargs = org_argdef.unflatten(self._inputs) formal_inp_node = create_node(name) inputs, tree_def = tree_flatten( ((*args, formal_inp_node), kwargs), is_const_leaf=lambda x: not isinstance(x, (TensorNode, ModuleNode)), ) self._inputs[:] = inputs[:] moudle.argdef_graph_map[tree_def] = moudle.argdef_graph_map.pop(org_argdef) moudle.argdef_outdef_map[tree_def] = moudle.argdef_outdef_map.pop(org_argdef) return formal_inp_node
[文档] def reset_outputs(self, outputs): r"""Reset the output Nodes of the graph. .. note:: This method only supports resetting the output of graphs that do not have a parent graph. Args: outputs: an object which inner element is Node. Support tuple, list dict, etc. For example, the following code .. code-block:: import megengine.functional as F import megengine.module as M import megengine.traced_module as tm class MyModule(M.Module): def forward(self, x): x = x + 1 return x net = MyModule() inp = F.zeros(shape = (1, )) traced_module = tm.trace_module(net, inp) graph = traced_module.graph inp_node = graph.inputs[1] out_node = graph.outputs[0] graph.reset_outputs((out_node, {"input": inp_node})) out = traced_module(inp) Will produce the following ``InternalGraph`` and ``out``:: print(graph) print(out) .. code-block:: text MyModule.Graph (self, x) { %2: add_out = x.__add__(1, ) return add_out, x } (Tensor([1.], device=xpux:0), {'input': Tensor([0.], device=xpux:0)}) """ outputs, out_def = tree_flatten( outputs, is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, TensorNode), ) forma_mnode = self.inputs[0] moudle = forma_mnode.owner assert moudle._is_top, "reset_outputs only supports top graph" tree_def = list(moudle.argdef_graph_map.keys())[0] self._outputs[:] = outputs moudle.argdef_outdef_map[tree_def] = out_def
[文档] def add_output_node(self, node: TensorNode): r"""Add an output node to the Graph. The Graph output will become a ``tuple`` after calling ``add_output_node``. The first element of the ``tuple`` is the original output, and the second is the ``node``. For example, the following code .. code-block:: import megengine.functional as F import megengine.module as M import megengine.traced_module as tm class MyModule(M.Module): def forward(self, x): x = x + 1 return x net = MyModule() inp = F.zeros(shape = (1, )) traced_module = tm.trace_module(net, inp) graph = traced_module.graph inp_node = graph.inputs[1] out_node = graph.outputs[0] graph.add_output_node(inp_node) graph.add_output_node(out_node) out = traced_module(inp) Will produce the following ``InternalGraph`` and ``out``:: print(graph) print(out) .. code-block:: text MyModule.Graph (self, x) { %2: add_out = x.__add__(1, ) return add_out, x, add_out } ((Tensor([1.], device=xpux:0), Tensor([0.], device=xpux:0)), Tensor([1.], device=xpux:0)) """ forma_mnode = self.inputs[0] moudle = forma_mnode.owner assert moudle._is_top, "add_output_node only supports top graph" tree_def = list(moudle.argdef_graph_map.keys())[0] org_out_def = moudle.argdef_outdef_map[tree_def] org_outs = org_out_def.unflatten(self._outputs) outputs, out_def = tree_flatten( (org_outs, node), is_leaf=lambda x: isinstance(x, TensorNode), ) self._outputs[:] = outputs moudle.argdef_outdef_map[tree_def] = out_def
[文档] def insert_exprs(self, expr: Optional[Expr] = None): r"""Initialize the trace mode and insertion position. When used within a 'with' statement, this will temporary set the trace mode and then restore normal mode when the with statement exits:: with graph.insert_exprs(e): # set the trace mode ... # trace function or module ... # inert exprs into graph and resotre normal mode Args: expr: the ``expr`` after which to insert. If None, the insertion position will be automatically set based on the input node. Returns: A resource manager that will initialize trace mode on ``__enter__`` and restore normal mode on ``__exit__``. """ if expr is not None: assert expr.top_graph == self, "Expr to insert after is not in graph." return _InsertExprs(self, expr)
[文档] def replace_node(self, repl_dict: Dict[Node, Node]): r"""Replace the Nodes in the graph. Args: repl_dict: the map {old_Node: new_Node} that specifies how to replace the Nodes. """ while repl_dict: node, repl_node = repl_dict.popitem() assert type(node) == type( repl_node ), "The type of {}({}) and {}({}) are not the same".format( node, type(node).__name__, repl_node, type(repl_node).__name__ ) # check graph inputs and outputs for i, n in enumerate(self.outputs): if n is node: self.outputs[i] = repl_node # update users of node and repl_node # update inputs of expr in node.users graph = repl_node.top_graph assert graph is not None assert graph is self index = -1 if not isinstance(repl_node.expr, Input): index = graph._exprs.index(repl_node.expr) dep_exprs = self.get_dep_exprs(repl_node) i = 0 while i < len(node.users): n = node.users[i] if n in graph._exprs and index >= graph._exprs.index(n): i += 1 continue if n in dep_exprs:"Find a loop: ignore this replacement once")"node: %s" % node.__repr__())"expr: %s" % n.__repr__()) i += 1 continue repl_node.users.append(n) node.users.pop(i) idx = n.inputs.index(node) n.inputs[idx] = repl_node
def _merge_getattr_expr(self): getattr_nodes_map = dict() # Dcit[(Node, str), Node] node_to_attrname = dict() # Dict[Node, (Node, Str)] for expr in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, GetAttr), self._exprs): base_node, attr_name = expr.inputs[0], if expr.inputs[0] in node_to_attrname: base_node, base_name = node_to_attrname[expr.inputs[0]] attr_name = "{}.{}".format(base_name, if get_suffix_name(self.qualname, expr.outputs[0].qualname) != attr_name: expected_qualname = base_node.qualname + "." + attr_name logger.warning( "{}.qualname expects {}, got {} actually. You can re-trace this " "TracedModel to make the name correct.".format( expr.outputs[0], expected_qualname, expr.outputs[0].qualname ) ) expr.outputs[0]._qualname = expected_qualname key = (base_node, attr_name) node_to_attrname[expr.outputs[0]] = key if key in getattr_nodes_map: existed_node = getattr_nodes_map[key] repl_node = expr.outputs[0] for expr in repl_node.users: existed_node.users.append(expr) idx = expr.inputs.index(repl_node) expr.inputs[idx] = existed_node repl_node.users = [] else: if attr_name != = attr_name expr.inputs[0].users.remove(expr) self.inputs[0].users.append(expr) expr.inputs[0] = self.inputs[0] getattr_nodes_map[key] = expr.outputs[0]
[文档] def compile(self): r"""Delete unused expr.""" self._merge_getattr_expr() dep_exprs = self.get_dep_exprs(self.outputs) i = 0 while i < len(self._exprs): expr = self._exprs[i] if expr in dep_exprs or expr._disable_remove: i += 1 continue for n in expr.inputs: n.users.remove(expr) self._exprs.remove(expr) for n in expr.outputs: self._namespace.unassociate_name_with_obj(n)
def _reset_ids(self): for total_expr_id, expr in enumerate(self.exprs()): expr._id = total_expr_id for total_node_id, node in enumerate(self.nodes()): node._id = total_node_id self._total_ids = (total_node_id + 1, total_expr_id + 1) def _re_associate_name(self): self._namespace.used_names.clear() for node in self.nodes(False): node._name = self._namespace.create_unique_name(, node) def interpret(self, *inputs): node2value = {} end_nodes_set = set(self._end_point) endnode2value = {} def get_all_endnode_val(n, v): if n in end_nodes_set: endnode2value[n] = v end_nodes_set.remove(n) return not end_nodes_set return False ref_count = lambda n: len(n.users) + (1 if n in self._outputs else 0) for n, v in zip(self._inputs, inputs): if ref_count(n) > 0: node2value[n] = [v, ref_count(n)] if n in self._watch_point: self._rst[n].append(v) if n in self._end_point and get_all_endnode_val(n, v): return list(endnode2value[i] for i in self._end_point) for expr in self._exprs: values = expr.interpret(*list(node2value[i][0] for i in expr.inputs)) for n in expr.inputs: node2value[n][1] -= 1 if node2value[n][1] == 0: node2value.pop(n) if values is not None: assert len(values) == len(expr.outputs) for n, v in zip(expr.outputs, values): if ref_count(n) > 0: node2value[n] = [v, ref_count(n)] if n in self._watch_point: self._rst[n] = v if self._end_point and get_all_endnode_val(n, v): return list(endnode2value[i] for i in self._end_point) return list(node2value[i][0] for i in self._outputs)
[文档] def eval(self, *inputs: Tuple[Tensor]): r"""Call this method to execute the graph. Args: inputs: the tensors corresponding to the ``graph.inputs[1:]``. """ assert len(inputs) == len(self._inputs) - 1 inp = [self._inputs[0].owner] + list(inputs) return self.interpret(*inp)
def __repr__(self): return self.__format__() def __format__(self, format_spec: str = "") -> str: saved_format_spec = Node._set_format_spec(format_spec) name = "" if self._name: name = "%s.Graph" % self._name res = "{} ({}) {{\n\t{}\n\treturn {}\n}}".format( name, ", ".join(str(i) for i in self._inputs), "\n\t".join("{}".format(str(i)) for i in self._exprs), ", ".join(str(i) for i in self._outputs), ) Node._set_format_spec(saved_format_spec) return res def __getstate__(self): state = { "_exprs": self._exprs, "_inputs": self._inputs, "_outputs": self._outputs, "_watch_point": [], "_end_point": [], "_namespace": self._namespace, "_rst": collections.defaultdict(list), "_name": self._name, "_qualname": self._qualname, } if self._total_ids: state["_total_ids"] = self._total_ids _check_obj_attr(state) return state def __setstate__(self, state): old_version = False if "_module_name" in state: old_version = True state["_qualname"] = state.pop("_module_name") prefix_name = state.pop("_prefix_name") if prefix_name: state["_name"] = "{}_{}".format(prefix_name, state["_name"]) self.__dict__.update(state) if old_version: self.inputs[0]._qualname = self._qualname for e in self.exprs(False): if isinstance(e, GetAttr): e.outputs[0]._qualname = "{}.{}".format( e.inputs[0]._qualname, ) for n in self.nodes(False): if isinstance(n.expr, CallMethod) and isinstance( n.expr.inputs[0], ModuleNode ): n._qualname = n.expr.inputs[0]._qualname + ".[out]" continue if ( not isinstance(n.expr, GetAttr) and isinstance(n, TensorNode) and n._qualname ): n._qualname = "{}.{}".format(self._qualname, n._qualname) self._namespace = NameSpace(self._name, self._qualname) self._re_associate_name() def __copy__(self): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) result.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return result def __deepcopy__(self, memo): with max_recursion_limit(): if id(self) in memo: return memo[id(self)] cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) state = {} memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(v, weakref.ReferenceType): state[k] = copy.deepcopy(v, memo) result.__dict__.update(state) return result
def _get_meth_name(obj, func): tp = obj if isinstance(obj, type) else type(obj) for cls in tp.mro(): for k, v in cls.__dict__.items(): if v == func: return k return None def _wrapped_function(orig_func): @functools.wraps(orig_func) def wrapped_fn(*args, **kwargs): method_func = kwargs.pop("method_func", wrapped_fn) if not is_tracing_module(): return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) with _exclude_from_trace(): inputs, tree_def = tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) for i in inputs: if not NodeMixin.get(i, None): if isinstance(i, (RawTensor, NodeMixin)): NodeMixin.wrap_safe(i, Constant.make(i)) args, kwargs = _convert_kwargs_to_args(orig_func, args, kwargs) meth_name = _get_meth_name(args[0], method_func) arg_type = args[0] if isinstance(args[0], type) else type(args[0]) if meth_name and arg_type and issubclass(arg_type, RawTensor): inputs, tree_def = tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) self = inputs[0] if meth_name == "__new__": if all([not isinstance(i, RawTensor) for i in inputs]): # only trace Tensor.__new__() when there are tensors in args return orig_func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(args[1], RawTensor): node = NodeMixin.get(inputs[1]) inputs[1] = apply( Copy(comp_node=inputs[1].device), Tensor(inputs[1]) )[0] # copy inputs[1] to avoid tensor and Tensor(tensor) share same m_tensor, # which will cause they have same _NodeMixin__node in tracing. NodeMixin.wrap_safe(inputs[1], node) args, kwargs = tree_def.unflatten(inputs) call_node = CallMethod.make(self, meth_name) else: call_node = CallMethod.make(NodeMixin.get(self), meth_name) call_node.add_inputs(inputs[1:]) else: inputs, tree_def = tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) call_node = CallFunction.make(orig_func) call_node.add_inputs(inputs) call_node.arg_def = tree_def rst = orig_func(*args, **kwargs) if meth_name == "__setitem__": rst = self if rst is not None: outputs, out_def = tree_flatten(rst, is_leaf=_is_leaf) call_node.out_def = out_def else: outputs = None call_node.add_outputs(outputs) if _get_expr_checker(): with _exclude_from_trace(): active_module_tracer().checker.check_expr_interpret( call_node, outputs ) return rst return wrapped_fn class TracedModuleBuilder(NodeMixin): _mod = None # type: Module _body = None # type: InternalGraph _is_builtin = None # type: bool _argdef_graph_map = None # type: Dict[TreeDef, "InternalGraph"] _argdef_outdef_map = None # type: Dict[TreeDef, TreeDef] nodes = None __builder_attributes__ = [ "_mod", "_body", "_NodeMixin__node", "_is_builtin", "build", "_record_wrapped_nodes", "_argdef_graph_map", "_argdef_outdef_map", "_check_qat_module", "nodes", "__class__", "__dict__", "_is_top", ] def __init__(self, mod, is_top_module=False): super(TracedModuleBuilder, self).__init__() assert isinstance(mod, Module) self._mod = mod self._body = None self._is_top = is_top_module self._is_builtin = ( True if isinstance(mod, (Observer, _FakeQuantize)) else module_tracer.is_builtin(mod) ) if isinstance(self._mod, QATModule): with _exclude_from_trace(): self._check_qat_module(self._mod) self._argdef_graph_map = {} self._argdef_outdef_map = {} self.nodes = set() # The builder will be passed to self._mod.forward as 'self' argument. If the 'forward' uses super().xxx to call method of its base classes, the trace procedure will throw exceprion, because the builder doesn't inherit from self._mod.__bases__. # modify self.__class__ and let the builder inherit from TracedModuleBuilder and mod.__class__. self.__class__ = type( "TracedModuleBuilder", (TracedModuleBuilder, mod.__class__), dict(TracedModuleBuilder.__dict__), ) def _check_qat_module(self, qat_module): def isbuiltin(m): return m is None or module_tracer.is_builtin(m) if qat_module.with_act: act_observer = qat_module.act_observer act_fakequant = qat_module.act_fake_quant if not isbuiltin(act_observer) or not isbuiltin(act_fakequant): qparams = ( act_observer.get_qparams() if hasattr(act_observer, "get_qparams") else act_fakequant.get_qparams() ) dtype = ( act_observer.dtype if hasattr(act_observer, "dtype") else act_fakequant.dtype ) qat_module.act_observer = None qat_module.act_fake_quant = TM_FakeQuant(dtype) qat_module.act_fake_quant.set_qparams(qparams) if qat_module.with_weight: weight_observer = qat_module.weight_observer weight_fakequant = qat_module.weight_fake_quant if not isbuiltin(weight_observer) or not isbuiltin(weight_fakequant): qparams = ( weight_observer.get_qparams() if hasattr(weight_observer, "get_qparams") else weight_fakequant.get_qparams() ) dtype = ( weight_observer.dtype if hasattr(weight_observer, "dtype") else weight_fakequant.dtype ) qat_module.weight_observer = None qat_module.weight_fake_quant = TM_FakeQuant(dtype) qat_module.weight_fake_quant.set_qparams(qparams) def build(self): if self._is_builtin: assert module_tracer.is_builtin(self._mod) mod_type = type(self._mod) for node in self.nodes: node.module_type = mod_type return self._mod elif isinstance(self._mod, TracedModule) and _graph_surgery_mode(): return self._mod else: is_qat = isinstance(self._mod, QATModule) or ( isinstance(self._mod, TracedModule) and self._mod.is_qat ) traced_module = TracedModule( self._is_top, self._argdef_graph_map, self._argdef_outdef_map, is_qat ) for _, g in self._argdef_graph_map.items(): g.compile() if self._is_top: g._total_ids = (Node._get_next_id(), Expr._get_next_id()) for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if k not in TracedModuleBuilder.__builder_attributes__: if isinstance(v, TracedModuleBuilder): v = setattr(traced_module, k, v) elif isinstance(v, RawTensor): setattr(traced_module, k, v) if isinstance(self._mod, QATModule): with _exclude_from_trace(): traced_module.with_act = self._mod.with_act traced_module.with_weight = self._mod.with_weight if not hasattr(traced_module, "act_fake_quant"): traced_module.act_fake_quant = None if not hasattr(traced_module, "act_observer"): traced_module.act_observer = None if not hasattr(traced_module, "weight_fake_quant"): traced_module.weight_fake_quant = None if not hasattr(traced_module, "weight_observer"): traced_module.weight_observer = None if self._is_top: traced_module._update_ref() return traced_module def _record_wrapped_nodes(self, node): self.nodes.add(node) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(self._mod, Module) is_graph_surgery_mode = _graph_surgery_mode() if isinstance(self._mod, TracedModule) and is_graph_surgery_mode: _set_graph_surgery_mode(False) # prepare args and kwargs for inner graph if "method_func" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("method_func") args, kwargs = _convert_kwargs_to_args(self._mod.forward, args, kwargs, True) def mark_constant(x): node = NodeMixin.get(x, None) if node is None: # capture as constant NodeMixin.wrap(x, lambda: Constant.make(x)) inputs, tree_def = tree_flatten(((self, *args), kwargs)) for i in inputs: mark_constant(i) callnode = CallMethod.make(NodeMixin.get(self)) callnode.add_inputs(inputs[1:]) callnode.arg_def = tree_def if self._is_builtin or tree_def in self._argdef_graph_map: with _exclude_from_trace(): rst = self._mod(*args, **kwargs) outputs, out_def = tree_flatten(rst, is_leaf=_is_leaf) if _get_expr_checker(): tmp = active_module_tracer().checker.check_builtin_module( tmp, callnode, outputs ) if self._is_builtin: self._body = None elif tree_def in self._argdef_graph_map: self._body = self._argdef_graph_map[tree_def] else: orig_self = NodeMixin.get(self) parent_graph = active_module_tracer().current_scope() module_qualname = orig_self._qualname self._body = InternalGraph( name=parent_graph._namespace.create_unique_name(module_qualname), qualname=module_qualname, ) parent_graph._namespace.associate_name_with_obj(, self._body) active_module_tracer().push_scope(self._body) # rebind self to new input node NodeMixin.wrap_safe( self, Input.make( name="self", qualname=module_qualname, type=NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(self), ), ) origin_inp_node = [NodeMixin.get(i, None) for i in inputs[1:]] # prepare args and kwargs for inner graph index_args, index_kwargs = tree_def.unflatten( [ ArgsIndex(0), *list(ArgsIndex(i + 1) for i in range(len(origin_inp_node))), ] ) key2idx = getcallargs(type(self._mod).forward, *index_args, **index_kwargs) idx2key = {} for k, v in key2idx.items(): if isinstance(v, ArgsIndex): idx2key[v.index] = k else: flatten_argidx, _ = tree_flatten(v) for _i, v in enumerate(flatten_argidx): if isinstance(v, ArgsIndex): idx2key[v.index] = k + "_%d" % _i def wrap(x, name): if isinstance(x, (RawTensor, NodeMixin)): NodeMixin.wrap( x, lambda: Input.make( type=NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(x), name=name, qualname="%s.[%s]" % (module_qualname, name), ), ) return x args = [self] orig_traced_inputs = ( None if not isinstance(self._mod, TracedModule) else self._mod.argdef_graph_map[tree_def].inputs ) ind = 1 for v in inputs[1:]: if isinstance(v, (RawTensor, NodeMixin)): args_name = ( orig_traced_inputs[ind]._name if orig_traced_inputs else idx2key[ind] ) ind += 1 args.append(wrap(v, args_name)) else: args.append(v) args, kwargs = tree_def.unflatten(args) active_module_tracer().patcher.auto_patch( getattr(getattr(self._mod, "forward", self._mod), "__globals__", {}) ) rst = type(self._mod).forward(*args, **kwargs) if _graph_surgery_mode(): rst = _node_to_tensor(rst)[0][0] outputs, out_def = tree_flatten(rst, is_leaf=_is_leaf) for i in ( outputs if isinstance(outputs, else (outputs,) ): mark_constant(i) active_module_tracer().current_scope()._add_output(NodeMixin.get(i)) NodeMixin.wrap_safe(self, orig_self) for arg, node in zip(inputs[1:], origin_inp_node): if node: NodeMixin.wrap_safe(arg, node) active_module_tracer().pop_scope() # rebind output to outer graph callnode.out_def = out_def callnode.add_outputs(outputs) self._argdef_graph_map[callnode.arg_def] = self._body self._argdef_outdef_map[callnode.arg_def] = out_def _set_graph_surgery_mode(is_graph_surgery_mode) return rst def __setattr__(self, name, value): object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._mod) def __getattr__(self, name): if name not in self._mod.__dict__: attr = getattr(type(self._mod), name).__get__(self, type(self)) else: attr = getattr(self._mod, name) if ( isinstance(attr, FunctionType) and id(attr) in active_module_tracer().patcher.patched_fn_ids ): return active_module_tracer().patcher.wrap_fn(attr) if isinstance(attr, (List, Dict)): flag = _set_graph_surgery_mode(False) with _exclude_from_trace(): has_module, m_container = replace_container_with_module_container( attr ) if m_container: attr = m_container if has_module and not m_container: raise ValueError( "Can not trace the module that uses the same container to store" " Module and Non-Module objects." ) _set_graph_surgery_mode(flag) if isinstance(attr, Module): attr = TracedModuleBuilder(attr) if isinstance(attr, (Module, RawTensor)): setattr(self, name, attr) NodeMixin.wrap( attr, lambda: GetAttr.make( NodeMixin.get(self), type=NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(attr), attr_name=name, name="", ), ) return attr def __getattribute__(self, name): if name in TracedModuleBuilder.__builder_attributes__: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) else: wrapped = object.__getattribute__(self, name) class_members = dict(inspect.getmembers(self.__class__)) if name in self._mod.__dict__: mod_attr = getattr(self._mod, name) if name in class_members: if ( not isinstance(wrapped, TracedModuleBuilder) and wrapped is not mod_attr ): wrapped = self.__getattr__(name) if isinstance(wrapped, TracedModuleBuilder): if not isinstance(mod_attr, (List, Dict, QATModule)): assert ( mod_attr is wrapped._mod ), "TracedModule do not support modify module attributes, please check your code." if isinstance(wrapped, RawTensor): assert ( mod_attr is wrapped ), "TracedModule do not support modify tensor attributes, please check your code." if isinstance(wrapped, (NodeMixin, RawTensor)): NodeMixin.wrap( wrapped, lambda: GetAttr.make( NodeMixin.get(self), type=NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(wrapped), attr_name=name, name="", ), ) return wrapped class _expr_iter: def __init__(self, graph: InternalGraph, recursive: bool = True): self.graph = graph self.recursive = recursive self._visited_graph = set() def __iter__(self): yield from self._gen_expr(self.graph) def _gen_expr(self, graph: InternalGraph): visit_inp = set() for inp_node in graph.inputs: if inp_node not in visit_inp: yield inp_node.expr visit_inp.add(inp_node) for expr in graph._exprs: yield expr if ( self.recursive and hasattr(expr, "graph") and expr.graph is not None and id(expr.graph) not in self._visited_graph ): self._visited_graph.add(id(expr.graph)) yield from self._gen_expr(expr.graph) class _node_iter: def __init__(self, graph: InternalGraph, recursive: bool = True) -> None: nodes = [] node_ids = set() for expr in graph.exprs(recursive): for n in expr.outputs: assert id(n) not in node_ids nodes.append(n) node_ids.add(id(n)) self.nodes = nodes def __iter__(self): for node in self.nodes: yield node class BaseFilter: r"""``BaseFilter`` exposes some methods for converting ``_node_iter/_expr_iter`` to ``list``, ``dict``, etc.""" def __init__(self, iter: Iterable): self._iter = iter def __iter__(self): return iter(self._iter) def as_list(self): r"""Consume this iterator and return its content as a list. Returns: A list of ``Node`` or ``Expr``. """ return list(self) def as_dict(self): r"""Construct an ordered dict to map from ``id`` to objects in this iterator. Returns: An :class:`OrderedDict`. """ return collections.OrderedDict((i._id, i) for i in self) def as_unique(self): """Assert that this iterator yields only one ``Node`` or ``Expr`` and return it. Rerurns: A ``Node`` or ``Expr``. """ rst = self.as_list() assert len(rst) == 1, "{} elements found".format(len(rst)) (elem,) = self return elem def as_count(self): r"""Consume this iterator and get the number of elements.""" return sum(1 for _ in self) class ExprFilter(BaseFilter): """Filter on Expr iterator. This class is an iterator of :class:`.Expr` objects and multiple filtering conditions and mappers can be chained. """ def call_function(self, func): r"""Filter by specific ``CallFunction.func``. See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_function_by_type` for details. """ return ExprFilterCallFunction(self, func) def call_method(self, method): r"""Filter by specific ``CallMethod.method``. See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_function_by_type` for details. """ return ExprFilterCallMethod(self, method) def expr_id(self, expr_id: List[int]): r"""Filter Exprs by their ``id``. See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_function_by_type` for details. """ return ExprFilterExprId(self, expr_id) class NodeFilter(BaseFilter): """Filter on Node iterator. This class is an iterator of :class:`~.traced_module.Node` objects and multiple filtering conditions and mappers can be chained. """ def type(self, owner_type): r"""Filter by specific Module type. See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_module_by_type` for details. """ return NodeFilterType(self, owner_type) def node_id(self, node_id: List[int]): r"""Filter Nodes by their ``id``. See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_node_by_id` for details. """ return NodeFilterNodeId(self, node_id) def name(self, name: str, ignorecase: bool = True): r"""Filter Nodes by their full name. See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_node_by_name` for details. """ return NodeFilterName(self, name, ignorecase) class NodeFilterType(NodeFilter): """See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_module_by_type`""" def __init__(self, expr_iter, owner_type): super().__init__(expr_iter) self.owner_type = owner_type def __iter__(self): for node in self._iter: if not isinstance(node, ModuleNode): continue if not hasattr(node, "owner"): continue if isinstance(node.owner, self.owner_type): yield node class NodeFilterNodeId(NodeFilter): """See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_node_by_id`""" def __init__(self, expr_iter, node_id: List[int]): super().__init__(expr_iter) if not isinstance(node_id, Sequence): node_id = [node_id] self.node_id = node_id def __iter__(self): for node in self._iter: if node._id in self.node_id: yield node class NodeFilterName(NodeFilter): """See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_node_by_name`""" _re = None def __init__(self, node_iter, pattern, ignorecase): super().__init__(node_iter) self.pattern = pattern self._re = self.make_re(pattern, ignorecase) @classmethod def make_re(cls, pattern, ignorecase=True): assert isinstance(pattern, str), "bad pattern: {!r}".format(pattern) assert isinstance(ignorecase, bool) flags = 0 if ignorecase: flags |= re.IGNORECASE return re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), flags=flags) def __iter__(self): for i in self._iter: graph = i.top_graph name = "{}_{}".format(graph._name, i._name) if self.pattern == name or self._re.match(name): yield i class ExprFilterCallFunction(ExprFilter): """See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_function_by_type`""" def __init__(self, expr_iter, func: Callable = None): super().__init__(expr_iter) self.func = func def __iter__(self): for expr in self._iter: if not isinstance(expr, CallFunction): continue if self.func is None or expr.func == self.func: yield expr class ExprFilterCallMethod(ExprFilter): """See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_method_by_type`""" def __init__(self, expr_iter, method: str = None): super().__init__(expr_iter) self.method = method def __iter__(self): for expr in self._iter: if not isinstance(expr, CallMethod): continue if self.method is None or expr.method == self.method: yield expr class ExprFilterExprId(ExprFilter): """See :meth:`~.InternalGraph.get_expr_by_id`""" def __init__(self, expr_iter, expr_id: List[int]): super().__init__(expr_iter) if not isinstance(expr_id, Sequence): expr_id = [expr_id] self.expr_id = expr_id def __iter__(self): for expr in self._iter: if expr._id in self.expr_id: yield expr
[文档]class TracedModule(Module): r"""``TracedModule`` is the Module created by tracing normal module. It owns an argdef to graph(InternalGraph) map. The forward method of ``TracedModule`` will get a graph from ``argdef_graph_map`` according to the argdef of input ``args/kwargs`` and interpret it. .. note:: ``TracedModule`` can only be created by :func:`~.trace_module`. See :func:`~.trace_module` for more details. """ # m_node = None # type: ModuleNode argdef_graph_map = None argdef_outdef_map = None def __init__(self, is_top, argdef_graph_map, argdef_outdef_map, is_qat=False): super(TracedModule, self).__init__() self.argdef_graph_map = argdef_graph_map self.argdef_outdef_map = argdef_outdef_map self._is_top = is_top self.watch_points = [] self.watch_node_value = {} self.end_points = [] self.is_qat = is_qat self.argspec = None def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "argspec") and self.argspec is not None: args, kwargs = _convert_kwargs_to_args(self.argspec, args, kwargs, True) inputs, treedef = tree_flatten(((self, *args), kwargs)) assert ( treedef in self.argdef_graph_map ), "support input args kwargs format: \n{}, but get: \n{}".format( "\n ".join( "forward({})".format(i._args_kwargs_repr()) for i in self.argdef_graph_map.keys() ), treedef._args_kwargs_repr(), ) inputs = filter( lambda i: isinstance(i, (Module, TracedModuleBuilder, RawTensor)), inputs ) # allow TracedModuleBuilder for retrace. outputs = self.argdef_graph_map[treedef].interpret(*inputs) if self.watch_points: self.watch_node_value = {} for n in self.watch_points: self.watch_node_value[n] = n.top_graph._rst.pop(n) if self.end_points: return outputs out_def = self.argdef_outdef_map[treedef] outputs = out_def.unflatten(outputs) return outputs
[文档] def set_watch_points(self, nodes): r"""Initialize the :attr:`~.TracedModule.watch_points`. You can call this function to get the ``Tensor/Module`` corresponding to a ``Node`` at runtime. Args: nodes: a list of ``Node``. For example, the following code .. code-block:: import megengine.module as M import megengine as mge import megengine.traced_module as tm class MyModule(M.Module): def forward(self, x): x = x + 1 + 2 return x net = MyModule() inp = mge.Tensor([0]) traced_module = tm.trace_module(net, inp) add_1_node = traced_module.graph.get_node_by_id(2).as_unique() traced_module.set_watch_points(add_1_node) out = traced_module(inp) Will get the following ``watch_node_value``:: print(traced_module.watch_node_value) .. code-block:: text {add_out: Tensor([1.], device=xpux:0)} """ if not isinstance(nodes, Sequence): nodes = [nodes] self.watch_points = nodes if nodes: nodes[0].top_graph._watch_point = [] for n in nodes: n.top_graph._watch_point.append(n)
[文档] def clear_watch_points(self): r"""Clear the :attr:`~.TracedModule.watch_points` and :attr:`~.TracedModule.watch_node_value`. """ for n in self.watch_points: n.top_graph._watch_point = [] self.watch_points = [] self.watch_node_value = {}
[文档] def set_end_points(self, nodes: Sequence[Node]): r"""Initialize the :attr:`~.TracedModule.end_points`. When all the ``nodes`` are generated, the Module will stop execution and return directly. Args: nodes: a list of ``Node``. For example, the following code .. code-block:: import megengine.module as M import megengine as mge import megengine.traced_module as tm class MyModule(M.Module): def forward(self, x): x = x + 1 + 2 return x net = MyModule() inp = mge.Tensor([0]) traced_module = tm.trace_module(net, inp) add_1_node = traced_module.graph.get_node_by_id(2).as_unique() traced_module.set_end_points(add_1_node) out = traced_module(inp) Will get the following ``out``:: print(out) .. code-block:: text [Tensor([1.], device=xpux:0)] """ if not isinstance(nodes, Sequence): nodes = [nodes] self.end_points = nodes graphs = list(self.argdef_graph_map.values()) for n in nodes: assert n.top_graph in graphs n.top_graph._end_point.append(n)
[文档] def clear_end_points(self): r"""Clear the :attr:`~.TracedModule.end_points`. """ for n in self.end_points: n.top_graph._end_point = [] self.end_points = []
@property def graph(self) -> InternalGraph: """Return the ``InternalGraph`` of this ``TracedModule``. """ assert len(self.argdef_graph_map) == 1 return list(self.argdef_graph_map.values())[0] def _update_ref(self, actual_node_map: Union[Dict] = None, top_graph=None): for inp_def, graph in self.argdef_graph_map.items(): if top_graph is not None: graph._top_graph = weakref.ref(top_graph) for n in graph._inputs + graph._outputs: n.expr._top_graph = weakref.ref(graph) n._top_graph = weakref.ref(graph) graph._inputs[0]._owner = weakref.ref(self) for i, n in enumerate(graph._inputs): n.actual_node = [] if actual_node_map is not None and inp_def in actual_node_map.keys(): n.actual_node = list(list(zip(*(actual_node_map[inp_def])))[i]) node2obj = {} next_actual_node_map = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(list) ) node2obj[graph._inputs[0]] = self for expr in graph._exprs: for n in expr.inputs + expr.outputs: n._top_graph = weakref.ref(graph) expr._top_graph = weakref.ref(graph) if isinstance(expr, GetAttr) and isinstance( expr.outputs[0], ModuleNode ): obj = expr.interpret(node2obj[expr.inputs[0]])[0] expr.outputs[0]._owner = weakref.ref(obj) node2obj[expr.outputs[0]] = obj if isinstance(expr, Constant) and isinstance( expr.outputs[0], ModuleNode ): obj = expr.value expr.outputs[0]._owner = weakref.ref(obj) node2obj[expr.outputs[0]] = obj if ( isinstance(expr, CallMethod) and expr.method == "__call__" and isinstance(expr.inputs[0], ModuleNode) ): obj = node2obj[expr.inputs[0]] if expr.arg_def is not None: next_actual_node_map[obj][expr.arg_def].append(expr.inputs) for obj in node2obj.values(): if obj is self: continue mnode_map = None if obj in next_actual_node_map.keys(): mnode_map = next_actual_node_map[obj] if isinstance(obj, TracedModule): obj._update_ref(mnode_map, graph)
[文档] def flatten(self): r"""Get a new TracedModule, which eliminates ``GetAttr`` and has no hierarchy. Retruns: A new :class:`TracedModule`. """ new_module = copy.deepcopy(self) def _replace_inputs_and_outputs(expr: Expr, repl_dict: Dict[Node, Node]): inputs, outputs = expr.inputs, expr.outputs for i, node in enumerate(inputs): if node in repl_dict: inputs[i] = repl_dict[node] for i, node in enumerate(outputs): if node in repl_dict: outputs[i] = repl_dict[node] outputs[i].expr = expr def _flatten_subgraph( parent_graph: InternalGraph, graph: InternalGraph, call: CallMethod, module: Module, ): repl_dict, node2obj, rename_blacklist = {}, {}, [] if call is not None: graph = copy.deepcopy(graph) node2obj[call.inputs[0]] = module repl_dict = dict(zip(graph._inputs, call.inputs)) for ind, out in enumerate(graph.outputs): if isinstance(out.expr, Input): assert out in repl_dict call_out = call.outputs[ind] for expr in call.outputs[ind].users: for index, inp in enumerate(expr.inputs): if inp is call_out: expr.inputs[index] = repl_dict[out] repl_dict[out].users.append(expr) if parent_graph is not None: for index, parent_out in enumerate(parent_graph._outputs): if parent_out is call_out: parent_graph._outputs[index] = repl_dict[out] continue repl_dict[out] = call.outputs[ind] if isinstance(out, TensorNode): call.outputs[ind]._qualname = out._qualname for node, repl_node in repl_dict.items(): assert node in graph._inputs or node in graph._outputs repl_node.users.extend(node.users) rename_blacklist = list(chain(call.inputs, call.outputs)) node2obj[graph._inputs[0]] = module prefix_name = call.inputs[0]._name if call else "" flattened_exprs = [] for expr in graph._exprs: exprs = [expr] if call is not None: _replace_inputs_and_outputs(expr, repl_dict) if isinstance(expr, GetAttr): mnode = expr.inputs[0] node2obj[expr.outputs[0]] = expr.interpret(node2obj[mnode])[0] if isinstance(expr, CallMethod): obj_node = expr.inputs[0] if isinstance(obj_node, ModuleNode) and isinstance( obj_node.expr, GetAttr ): obj = node2obj[obj_node] expr_graph = ( obj.argdef_graph_map[expr.arg_def] if hasattr(obj, "argdef_graph_map") else None ) if expr_graph is not None and not obj.is_qat: exprs = _flatten_subgraph(graph, expr_graph, expr, obj) if parent_graph is not None: for node in expr.outputs: name = node._name if node not in rename_blacklist: name = "{}_{}".format(prefix_name, name) node._name = parent_graph._namespace.create_unique_name( name, node ) flattened_exprs.extend(exprs) if call is not None: for i in call.inputs: i.users.remove(call) return flattened_exprs new_module.graph._exprs = _flatten_subgraph( None, new_module.graph, None, new_module ) new_module.graph._re_associate_name() new_module.graph.compile() new_module._update_ref() new_module.graph._reset_ids() return new_module
def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() for k in Module.__dict__: d.pop(k, None) _check_obj_attr(d) for k in d: if module_tracer.is_builtin(d[k]): assert _check_builtin_module_attr( d[k] ), "Module {} can not be serialized. ".format(type(d[k])) d[k] = _ModuleState.get_module_state(d[k]) dump_info = { "version": __version__, "register_type": USER_REGISTERED_LEAF_TYPE, "register_container_type": USER_REGISTERED_CONTAINER_TYPE, "register_mdule": USER_REGISTERED_MODULE, "register_function": USER_REGISTERED_FUNCTION, } d["dump_info"] = dump_info return d def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, _ModuleState): state[k] = v.to_module() super().__setstate__(state) self._update_ref() for _, graph in self.argdef_graph_map.items(): for expr in graph._exprs: if isinstance(expr, CallFunction): load_functional(expr) if isinstance(expr, CallMethod): if expr.method == "__call__": load_call_module_expr(expr) else: load_call_tensor_method_expr(expr) if isinstance(expr, Apply): load_apply_expr(expr) for _, graph in self.argdef_graph_map.items(): ind = 0 while ind < len(graph._exprs): cur_expr = graph._exprs[ind] has_new_expr = False for i in cur_expr.inputs: if i.expr not in graph._exprs and not isinstance(i.expr, Input): graph._exprs.insert(ind, i.expr) has_new_expr = True if not has_new_expr: ind += 1 for expr in graph._exprs: for i in expr.inputs: if expr.inputs.count(i) != i.users.count(expr): add_or_del_count = expr.inputs.count(i) - i.users.count(expr) if add_or_del_count > 0: i.users.extend([expr] * add_or_del_count) else: [i.users.remove(expr) for i in range(-add_or_del_count)] for o in expr.outputs: if o.expr is not expr: assert o not in o.expr.outputs o.expr = expr for node in graph.nodes(False): # remove users of node which doesn't use node as input node.users = [e for e in node.users if node in e.inputs] for expr in graph._exprs: graph._namespace.auto_naming_for_outputs(expr) self._update_ref() for _, graph in self.argdef_graph_map.items(): graph._reset_ids() def __copy__(self): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) result.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return result def __deepcopy__(self, memo): with max_recursion_limit(): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) state = {} memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(v, weakref.ReferenceType): state[k] = copy.deepcopy(v, memo) result.__dict__.update(state) result._update_ref() return result
def cpp_apply_module_trace(opdef, *args): return Apply.apply_module_trace_hook(opdef, *args) USER_REGISTERED_MODULE = [] USER_REGISTERED_FUNCTION = []
[文档]def register_as_builtin(mod_cls: Type[Module]) -> None: r"""Registers class ``mod_cls`` (subclass of :class:`~.Module`) as builtin module. Args: mod_cls: the module class which will be treated as builtin module in tracing. """ USER_REGISTERED_MODULE.append((mod_cls.__module__, mod_cls.__qualname__)) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(mod_cls)
[文档]def wrap(func: Callable): r"""Call this function to register ``func`` as a builtin function. This function can be called at module-level scope to register ``func`` as a builtin function. A builtin function will be converted to a :class:`CallFunction` Expr in tracing:: def my_func(x, y): return x + y import megengine.traced_module as tm tm.wrap(my_func) This function can also equivalently be used as a decorator:: @tm.wrap def my_func(x, y): return x + y Args: func: the function of the global function to insert into the graph when it's called. """ USER_REGISTERED_FUNCTION.append((func.__module__, func.__qualname__)) assert callable(func), "func must be a callable" assert hasattr(func, "__code__") fn_name = func.__code__.co_name currentframe = inspect.currentframe() assert currentframe is not None f = currentframe.f_back assert f is not None assert ( f.f_code.co_name == "<module>" ), "wrap must be called at the top level of a module" Patcher._builtin_functions.append((f.f_globals, fn_name)) return func
def _register_all_builtin_module(): for sub_mod in [M, M.qat, M.quantized, MExternal]: for m in getmembers(sub_mod): if ( isclass(m[1]) and issubclass(m[1], M.Module) and m[1] is not M.Sequential ): module_tracer.register_as_builtin(m[1]) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(Observer) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(MinMaxObserver) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(SyncMinMaxObserver) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(ExponentialMovingAverageObserver) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(SyncExponentialMovingAverageObserver) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(HistogramObserver) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(PassiveObserver) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(LSQ) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(TQT) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(FakeQuantize) module_tracer.register_as_builtin(TM_FakeQuant)
[文档]def trace_module( mod: Module, *args: Tuple[Any], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any] ) -> TracedModule: r"""Traces module ``mod`` and returns corresponding :class:`TracedModule`. Args: mod: the module will be converted to :class:`TracedModule`. args: the positional arguments passed to forward method of ``mod``. kwargs: the keyword arguments passed to forward method of ``mod``. """ assert active_module_tracer() is None assert isinstance(mod, Module) use_sym_shape = use_symbolic_shape() inputs = [] try: net_name = mod._name if mod._name else mod.__class__.__name__ use_sym_shape = set_symbolic_shape(True) set_active_module_tracer(module_tracer(_wrapped_function)) set_module_tracing() for cls in [Expr, Node]: cls._set_next_id(0) with active_module_tracer().patcher: global_scope = InternalGraph(name="top", qualname=net_name) active_module_tracer().push_scope(global_scope) builder = TracedModuleBuilder(mod, True) NodeMixin.wrap_safe( builder, Input.make(name="top", type=ModuleNode, qualname=net_name) ) forward_argspec = ( mod.argspec if hasattr(mod, "argspec") else inspect.getfullargspec(mod.forward) ) args, kwargs = _convert_kwargs_to_args(forward_argspec, args, kwargs, True) inputs, _ = tree_flatten((args, kwargs)) for _, i in enumerate(inputs): # assert isinstance(i, Tensor), "not support " if isinstance(i, RawTensor): NodeMixin.wrap_safe( i, Input.make( name="arg_{}".format(_), type=NodeMixin.get_wrapped_type(i), qualname="{}.[{}]".format(net_name, "arg_{}".format(_)), ), ) rst = builder(*copy.deepcopy(args), **copy.deepcopy(kwargs)) active_module_tracer().pop_scope() traced_mod = traced_mod.argspec = forward_argspec traced_mod.graph._reset_ids() has_expr_not_check = False if _get_expr_checker(): has_expr_not_check = ( active_module_tracer().checker.check_node_not_in_scope() ) if _get_default_checker() or has_expr_not_check: with _exclude_from_trace(): tm_res = traced_mod(*args, **kwargs) tm_res, _ = tree_flatten(tm_res, is_leaf=_is_leaf) rst, _ = tree_flatten(rst, is_leaf=_is_leaf) active_module_tracer().checker.check_net_outputs(tm_res, rst) return traced_mod finally: set_symbolic_shape(use_sym_shape) unset_module_tracing() for t in mod.tensors(recursive=True): NodeMixin.clear_node(t) for t in inputs: NodeMixin.clear_node(t) set_active_module_tracer(None)